Chapter 18

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Lance POV

I sigh and turn to the direction of the voice. I spot my mom and sister running along side me on the other side of the glass wall. Are we really imitating YOI right now? I sigh taking off running, ignoring the shouts of my teammates behind me and the dirty looks people send me as I nudge past them.
I round the corner and immediately, I am enveloped by my family.
My sister strokes my hair (well tries to, she can barely reach) murmuring how much she missed annoying me and how she wants me to go back (controversial much). My mom just holds me and cries as I awkwardly pat their heads
"Guys guys," I push them off of me, much to my mothers protests "I have literally been gone for 7 days, it's not like it was 7 years!"
"I know, I know," my mother says, wiping the tears from her eyes "It's just that I missed my handsome boy!"
I blush slightly and the rest of my team rounds the corner. Immediately my mom starts talking to Shiro and Allura (she honestly loved them for reasons unknown) fangirling when they tell her the news.
"Oh, I know Keith thinks Lance is a hands-" Pidge starts but Keith quickly covers her mouth.
"Shu-Shut up!" He stutters, turning a brilliant shade of red. My sister looks at me, shaking her eyebrows suggestively and I blush slightly.
"Ohhhhh, does my big bro have a boyfriend?" She asks and my mom turns from her conversation with the engaged couple.
"What is this I hear!" She says poking me in the chest, though she has to look up a lot, as she was only 5.1. She swings to face Keith "You better treat my son right mister! If you so much as hurt him-"
"Wait Keith and Lance is a thing? Congrats guys!" Hunk says, totally clueless after coming back from buying food from the snack bar.
Keith and I shake our heads furiously, our faces as red as a stop sign "No No No!" I yell, getting weird looks from the people coming from and boarding planes. "Keith and I are just friends!" Sadly, I add silently and I swear I see Keith flinch at the word but that is just my imagination isn't it?
Pidge slams her laptop and stands up, but not before saying sorry to 'Rover the laptop', "You guys are really making this hard for us Klance shippers, do you know how much time I've spent writing fanfics and drawing fan art! Just get married already!" She screams at the top of her lungs and everyone nods even own mom. I sigh and turn, spotting a giant security guard walking towards us, speaking into his walkie talkie.
"Can you please leave this area because you are disrupting everyone here." He says politely and I look him up and down. He was around my age, black hair and blue almost purple eyes. He is handsome in a lean, knife fighter way and the tight uniform did wonders to his muscled body. I take a deep breath in, preparing to say an amazing pick up line (are you from Tennessee cause you're the only ten I see (I know great)) but Allura catches wind of my plan.
"Oh no you don't" she drags me away but not before I give the hot dude my business card (I know right, ingenious! Then I can pick up people on the fly!). I flash him the call me symbol and he waves goodbye, confused. Keith seems to deflate a little and I ponder (I know, I'm so fancy with my fancy words) while Allura drags me by the scruff of my favourite under armour blue shirt (Does she not care about me! It took me a month to get enough money to buy this). Now, why would he act like that? Maybe he has a crush on me? I mean I wouldn't blame him, I am a fine specimen (I love big words, they make me feel smart) but there is no way that Keith likes me! We are just best friends! Nothing more, even as much I wish and do 11:11's on snapchat ominously worded 'Him 💙' (Oh ya I'm that cliche. May as well turn me into a basic white girl).
"We'll meet you in bag pick up, Lance and I are gonna have a chat" she calls over her shoulder to everyone. She pulls me through the maze of people and I shiver. Oh this is bad! Most of Allura's  'chats' ended in tears. She pulls me to a corner and waits until everyone is past us. Keith shoots me a worried glance but I give him thumbs up and he keeps running. Now, he has a really nice butt and that Blade of Marmora brand long sleeve and tights look great on him. I wouldn't be surprised if I was drooling. Wait! Bad Lance! Keith is a friend! A friend! There is a space between Boy and Friend! Remember that!
I'm snapped rudely from my amazing daydreams about some things that I shouldn't mention by Allura back handing me across the face.
"Lance!" She screams, fury turning her face as red as, as well anything I said before!
"What?!" I groan, rubbing my stinging cheek.
"Pay attention to me!" She says in a softer voice "I need you to be serious for just once because this is important!"
"Fine, Fine." I mutter, the pain in my cheek dialling down.
"Thank you," she sighs, slumping a bit but straitening a split second later. She pokes  me on chest. "Do you know how  frustrating it is to watch Keith and you dance around each other like there's no feelings between you!"
I raise my finger, about to protest, but she shoots me a look, shutting me up instantly, and continues "Don't even try to argue! Anyone with eyes can see that the two of you love each other, and before you say it, more than friends! Every time you flirt with someone, a bit of Keith hurts! Do you know why?"
I try to answer but she continues
"Because he  loves you!" She grabs my face and shakes me "Can you get that through your thick skull? Keith Kogane, your best friend and the guy you love, loves you! So you better flipping man up, grow a pair, and tell him how you feel before he goes and starts loving someone else!"
She takes a deep breath and I blink, stunned. Nothing she said could be true, right? It's not like all the tingles that run through my body every time we touch is real. It's not like seeing his smile, his beautiful smile, makes my entire day. And it's definitely not like my heart starts pounding when I see him and my stomach explodes into an entire zoo of things. Definitely not?
I put my head in my hands and sigh, realizing that everything that she said, everything that he makes happen to me, point to me loving him.
But how can that be? How could I fall in love so quickly? Especially with the guy I once hated? Allura slaps me on the shoulder, her lips spreading into an encouraging grin.
"Now go and get your man!"
I nod and she pulls me up, pushing me forward. I stumble for two steps and take off in a full out sprint. I run through all of the crowds of people, calling apologies over my shoulder as I run past. Finally, I make it to the bag pickup and I spot Keith standing with everyone else, his back to me.
"KEITH!" I yell and he turns, confused.
"Lance-" he starts but I kiss him, knocking him onto the ground. It takes him a second to respond but he kisses me back with a fiery passion. I run my hands through his black hair, moaning into his mouth. Every kiss, everywhere we touched, I feel fire and tingles. I pull away from the kiss and caress his cheek, placing my forehead onto his.
"Keith," I look into his beautiful eyes that held me transfixed and smile. "I don't know when and I don't know how, but I love you. I love the way you smile, I love the way you run, I love your annoying mullet and the way you say my name. You have made me so happy and though we didn't always like each other, I feel like I have come to love the things that used to bug me so much."
I place a soft kiss to his forehead and he tries to say something but a place a finger to his lips. "I know you may not feel the same way but Keith, will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my one and only, my partner in crime, and most of all, my boyfriend."
He looks up at me, stunned, and I gulp nervously. He doesn't reply for a minute and I get up off of him.
"I-I get it," I choke, tears running down my face. How could I be so stupid? "You could never love someone like me-"
Keith grabs my hand, pale against tan, and I look back at him. He grins up at me "Lance, how could you think that!? I love you too, I've loved you for who knows how long and of course I'll be your boyfriend!"
I smile so widely that I feel like my face is going to spit in two. He jumps into my arms and kisses me, soft butterfly kisses on my nose, on my cheek, on my forehead, and on my lips.
I look down at the beautiful man I held, my man, and grin. How is this possible?
Suddenly, clapping starts all around us and we look around, realizing that we are still in the airplane luggage pick up. Shiro, Hunk, and my mom have their mouthes wide open and my mom was covering Emma's eyes. Pidge of course was filming the entire thing, muttering "yes, yes yes!" under her breath. Everyone else, complete strangers, were clapping, and like Pidge, most were filming, the video probably ending up all over the Internet in the next few hours.
I hold Keith's hand in mine, both of us blushing, and throw it up in the air, spotting Allura in the front of the crowd.
"He said yes!" I cry and she gives me a thumbs up.
I look at Keith, my happiness overflowing inside of me.
"I love you, mullet."
"I love you, too pretty boy."

I don't know if I should finish it or put two more chapters in.  I know I want an epilogue in there but Idk. Please comment and vote because I really want the feedback.
Thank you so mix and don't forget to follow to read my other future books.
Keep reading,

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