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Jungkook is your childhood friend. You first met him when you were both 7 years old. He was a very shy kid, often got bullied by other kids since he was very thin and he has a doll face, like a girl. You always helped him by beating up the other kids when he was being bullied.

He became very close to you. Since you are neighbors, he always goes to your house and clings on you. You always adore him and took care of him because you just can't resist his cuteness.

10 years later...

You and Jungkook just graduated 11th grade. For the whole summer, Jungkook went back to his hometown. You felt lonely, because he was always their to hang out and play with you, but suddenly he had gone for one whole month. You missed him.

*btw he calls you noona because he thought you were older than him, but actually you're the same age just a few months older than him, but it became a habit, so he didn't revise it.*

The day before school starts...

You woke up around 8:00am, but you didn't have anything to do, so you're still in bed, then you fell asleep again.

"Noona~ Noona~ wake up~" you heard a very sweet voice, it seemed familiar but not too familiar too.

Then you felt someone poking your cheeks

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Then you felt someone poking your cheeks. You opened your eyes.

"Ah! You finally woke up. Haha noona, you're drooling. "

It was Jungkook. Seeing him made you fully awake, you are so happy but you pouted.

"You're back !!! I thought you're gonna start a whole new life there. You didn't even give me a call nor a message for the whole summer !!!" you sounded very mad.

"Sorry, my grandparents hate it when I play my phone and they took it away from me, aaaa~ noona, don't be mad. " he pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Noona~ don't be mad, sorry." with a little aegyo.

*aww~ he is so cute.*

You smiled but you hid it right away.
"Then? What is it? Why are you in my room?" You asked sounded still a little mad.

"I want to enjoy the last day of summer with noona. Let's go on a date~"

You crossed your arms, and furrowed your brows. "I'll think about it."

"a~a~ noo~na~ hurry up~ and let's hang out~" he kept doing the aegyo voice. You gave in.

"Ok ok fine!! But you'll have to pay for all the food and snacks!!"

"Ok, call~" he agreed with a bright smile.

He waited for you outside your room for you to get prepared.

When you opened the door, you saw him and you were in shock. Earlier you didn't realize but now you are both standing.

"Yah~ kookie~ah, you got taller." you said as you stood close beside of him, measured your height on him.

Jungkook giggled, " did I? I didn't realize."

Your height was up to his shoulders, "yeah, I was up to your ears back then. And your voice changed a bit too. You sound weird. Hahaha. "

Jungkook wrapped his arms on your arm,
"Hurry and let's go~ ❤️ I'm so hungry. "

*he is still acts like a kid though* you thought.

"Mom~ we're going out." you yelled to your mom who was in the kitchen while you were wearing your shoes.

Your mom walked out of the kitchen, "ok dear. Jungkook~ah, always hold onto your sister when crossing roads, and don't run."

You snorted.

"Auntie, I'm not a kid anymore~" Jungkook whined cutely and said.

"Oh sure dear~ aigoo~ so cute~ if only I had a son as cute as you"

You rolled your eyes, "sorry to be your ugly daughter. " in a joke way, of course.

Jungkook laughed.

"Don't be home too late, you two still have school tomorrow ~ take care ~" your mom waved.

//end chapter//

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