Part 42.5

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After Jungkook jumped off from the stage.
Jimin knew that you wouldn't be able to face Jungkook, you'd probably just leave or hide, just like what you did, again.

He called your phone, wanting to tell you that this time you shouldn't runaway anymore.

He went to find you too, by the time he found you, Jungkook already did. He smiled and left.

== after the awards ==
*phone rings*

"Jimin-ssi, just as we planned, thank you." Jk mom said.

"Thank you too, I just want my best friend to get her happiness." Jimin replied on the phone.

= days and weeks before =

= days and weeks before =

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After Jimin came back to Seoul, before the album release

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After Jimin came back to Seoul, before the album release.

Jimin was home, late night.
Suddenly someone rang the doorbell.
Jimin opened and it was Jungkook, drunk seating on the floor, looked like crying.

"Hyung~" he said with a crying voice and stood up. Then he leaned on Jimin, and fell asleep.

Jimin had no choice but to pull him inside and let him lie down on the couch.

His phone rings, it was from Jk mom.
Jimin told him the room number and she came over to see Jungkook, who's sleeping soundly in Jimin's couch, with a face of loneliness.

"He can just stay here for the night," Jimin offered.

"Is that ok?" Jungkook's mom asked.

"Yeah~ no problem at all." Jimin politely replied.

She heaved a deep sighed, "he never sleeps when he is awake, he sleep when he's drunk and cry."

"It was just so hard watching sad and lonely everyday, it is torturing him when she left and it was painful to see him like that." Mrs Jeon added.

Jungkook's mom was really worried, "he always push himself to his limits, if this continues he might hurt himself." She said.

"Well, it's the same for Eunji, she's like a walking dead." Jimin spoke.

"Eunji? You know where she is? I've been looking for her." Jk mom agitatedly asked.

Jimin startled, "..."
Jimin promised you not to tell anything about you to anybody around Jungkook.

"Please help me, and please save my son from his situation, it is my fault, I don't want to see him suffer like this." Jk mom asked, begging.

Jimin was worried about you too, so they planned the meet up for the two of you.

Jk mom left the house.
Jimin just looked at the sleeping deadly Jungkook, with tears falling.

He sighed, "just like Eunji.. she really misses you too."

"This time, I hope you two can get your happiness."

== end chapter ==

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== end chapter ==

Q: Jimin is ____ ?
A: my mochi angel 💓

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