Part 06

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You were blushing so much and you looked away, "I think I'll tell you some other time." You looked away and turned your back to him, and walked away.

He pulled you with force and hugged you from the back, "That is so unfair, noona, you have to tell me now, or I won't know how you feel."

He hug got tighter as his voice tickled your ears.

You were trying to break away, Jungkook suddenly turned you around to face him. You startled and looked to his eyes for a second and you looked away.

Your actions of shyness were irresistibly cute, Jungkook couldn't stop himself from grinning, and made him want to tease you more.

He bent down with his face on the same level and really close to yours, gazing into your eyes and moved closer, "If you're not telling, you'll just have to make it into actions

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He bent down with his face on the same level and really close to yours, gazing into your eyes and moved closer, "If you're not telling, you'll just have to make it into actions."

Jungkook got really close with his face tilt and eyes closed. He was about to kiss you and you suddenly covered your mouth with both of your hands.

He stopped leaning forward with disappointing eyes so big and round.

You hurriedly said, "I'm sick, you shouldn't get too close."

He smiled, moved your hands away and pinned you to the wall,

"Make me" he said.

He kissed you gently at first and the kiss gradually got stronger and deeper until you two ran out of breaths.

You both were feeling so hot and all red of the passionate kiss.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this." Jungkook whispered panting heavily.

Then you heard the house door opening, you were surprised and you pushed Jungkook away.

You heard footsteps coming, it was your mom,

"Honey, are you ok? I received the text message from your school and got home early." Your mom worried cupping your face checking if you're really ok.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, mom."

"Your face is still so red, are you sure you're feeling fine."

"MOM~ I'm really ok." You were so shy because your face was red not because of the fever.

You saw Jungkook standing behind your mom silently laughing at you.

You darted your eyes on him and signaled him to stop laughing and keep quiet.

Your mom turned around to Jungkook, "Kook-ah, thank you for taking care of her."

"Auntie, no need to thank me. I guess I'd be heading home too." Jungkook politely said.

"You're not staying for dinner?"

"Nah~ my parents will come back home today, we're having dinner together."

"I see, tell them I said hi."

"I will." Jungkook waved goodbye to your mom.

"Noona~ get well soon, see you tomorrow~" he puts up the cute act again.

You were impressed and confused by his sudden change of act, *what just happened? how does he do that, from hot to cute in one sec.*

The next morning

You were feeling well already and got up to get prepared for school. You went downstairs to have your breakfast. As you enter the dining room...

"Noona's here," Jungkook saw you immediately.

You saw Jungkook's parents were there too having breakfast.

You greeted them good morning and took your seat.

"Honey, you're fine to go to school today?" You mom asked worriedly.

"I'm all good mom, no worries."

"Ah! I won 4 tickets to a 2 days 1 night hotsprings last week. " Jungkook suddenly spoke up and showed 4 tickets.

"Why don't you all go? Since noona and I have school so we can't join you, and it expires today, don't waste it. You all 4 friends go have a bonding time." Jungkook expressed with innocent smile.

"Omo! We certainly need to get ourselves some getaways, don't we? Mr and Mrs. Jeon" your mom insisted in a joyful tone.

Jungkook's parents agreed.

"But will it be alright to leave our daughter by herself at home, I'm worried" Your mom asked.

"we never left her alone at nights..." your dad added.

"Mom Dad, I'm fine, I'm not a kid anymore." You answered.

"Oh, why don't you let Jungkook stay here for the night? " Jungkook's mom suggested.

You panicked.

"Oh, that'll be great. Kook-ah~ just stay for the night." your mom asked.

Your eyes got even bigger.

"Oemmuni, leave it all to me, I will protect noona at all cost." He said it like in kid hero act, all innocent.

"Then it's settled, oh look at the time, you two should go to school or you'll be late."

You walked out of the house,

"Can't wait for tonight, noona~" Jungkook whispered to your ears put you into shock.


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