Part 24

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Of course, the Jungkook's comeback in the music fest was a big success 🎉🎉 his fans were are very passionate and enthusiastic. And the whole team was going to celebrate this at the Hitman PD's place.

Still at the tv station, cleaning things up...
Nayeon (staff) : "Eunji Unnie~ you're coming with us to the party right?"

You: "Oh! About that, I think I still have some work left at the office, so I won't be able to go.."

You were thinking of dropping by the office to pack your things up, since you did said that you were gonna quit after all of these.

Nayeon (staff) : "No, you have to take a break, you were like the mother to the whole team, we all wish that you can go loosen up and have fun with us. Pretty please~ aaww~ unnie~"

Nayeon was the maknae of the whole team and everybody adores her because of the liveliness. You couldn't turn her down especially not with her aegyo.

You: "aiyo~ arrasso~"

Nayeon: "YEY~ we'll wait for you by the car. Let's head there together."

Jungkook was standing behind you watching at you through the whole conversation. He was relieved that you're attending the party since he thought you'd leave right after the show.

You saw him when you turned around, and you're eyes averted his.

"Don't worry, I will turn in the resignation letter tomorrow morning, it will be kinda rude to the whole team if I didn't go to the party tonight. Plus I still have to show my gratitude to all the producers and staff members." You said coldly.

"I didn't say you can't go." Jungkook uttered.

Nayeon came back, "Unnie~ balli wa~"

"O~ I'll be there." You ignored what Jungkook said and walked passed him.

Jungkook's eyes looked reddish, he really don't want you to leave, but he couldn't speak it out.
In the house party,

Everyone was wild and crazy, exerting all the stress for the past couple of weeks of rush preparation.

You were there, holding a glass of tequila, greeting all the producers and showing your appreciation to every staff member. And Nayeon came dragging you to go to their table and play games with them.

The whole team was like a family, you feel very safe being with them, so you loosen up and had fun that night.

Sitting in the same table with some of your closest staff, you were nagging and complaining about Jungkook and everyone just laughed.

Nayeon: "yah unnie! You can't say bad things about Jungkook oppa. He's very nice and kind and fluffy."

You: "that poker🙄"

Nayeon: "hahhaah, we really thought it was weird too, how com he's always so different when you're around, but that makes you special. That's so nice."

You:"it won't be nice if you were in my shoe."

Everyone just starts joking about you and Jungkook. Ending up drinking too much, you were kinda tipsy. The maknae pd was sitting right next to you. He obviously has a huge crush on you. Everybody in the set knows, but only you, you think of him as a little brother. You were never aware, he placed his arm on your shoulder, and you didn't mind at all.

You felt tired, you want to get some rest. You were about to lean your head on to his chest.

Suddenly a hand swiftly catches your head, made the whole table startled. Jungkook was standing right behind you. You're drowsy but the cold hand that touched your face woke you up. You turned your head around and saw Jungkook, looking annoyed.

"I have something to tell you, come with me." He spoke coldly.

Everyone in that table went quiet since you were just talking about him a while ago. You stood up from your seat and followed him.

The lights were dim and only the disco lights were blinking, you accidentally bumped into Hitman PD, who was enjoying the party, totally. He handed you a shot glass and wanted to have a drink with you. You know you were almost at your limit but it'll be rude if you declined. So you prepared yourself and took the shot. Pd was proudly giggling and he let you off.

Jungkook hurriedly came back for you when you went out of sight. He suddenly grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the crowd.

You were mentally prepared for that shot glass but not physically. The alcohol hit you straight to your mind and everything was vague. You're drunk.

The ground floor was too noisy. Jungkook was holding your wrist tight and you two went upstairs.
He randomly opened a door room, went inside and he pinned you on it.

You had no idea why is looked so angry. He was saying something but your mind was blocked. You didn't know what's real and what's not anymore.

"Jungkookie-ah~" you giggled and hiccuped.

"Wah~ this dream is so vivid." You cupped his face with both of your hands. Smiling sweetly.

And you got angry too, all if a sudden.
"Why are you being so mean to me." You furrowed your brows and pouted.
You even cried.
"Ii nappun-nomiyah!!!" You kept on hitting him on his chest.

Jungkook grabbed your wrist and pinned it to the doors.

Your tears gently fell and they can't stop falling.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for what I've done to you in the past. I don't expect you forgiveness, but... but.."
You stuttered.

"But what?" He softly asked whispering.
Your tears were pouring, "but.. but.. please don't act like someone I don't know. Please give me back the Jungkook I use to know."

Jungkook strongly pressed his lips to yours, and you realize it was real.

🤗 end chapter 🤗💕

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