Part 36

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Jungkook was in a hurry to get home.. he wanted to see you himself so he can be sure that you are ok.

He rung the doorbell of Jimin's house, it was late already though, he was expecting you to open the door and he'd hold you tightly and dearly and tell you he's sorry to almost put you in danger, but it was Jimin instead.

"Where is she?"
"Come on in.. she's in my room sleeping with Chimchim." Jimin gently answered.

Jungkook took a peek from the door, although he couldn't hug you but he soften up after seeing you in deep sleep.

He returned to the living after taking a look at you. Jimin was watching tv news. It was mostly about him though.

Jungkook stared at the screen for a while, "Thanks and sorry." He said.

Jimin turned his head to Jungkook. "Nah~ it's fine. I knew this (him on tv) would happen sooner or later, the shareholders are happy though." Jimin chuckled.

"...still.. thanks.. for protecting her.. to tell you the truth I hated that it was you who protected her and not me, but after thinking about it, whatever I say it'll still end up wrong." Jungkook sighed.
Jimin remained silent.

"I guess I'll be going to my home then.." Jungkook headed for the door.

"I did it because I love her." Jimin said in his serious tone as he turned off the tv.

Jungkook halted with his steps,
"But I'm sure you already know that." Jimin continued.

Jimin walked around close to Jungkook, "What? Don't you think I'd start making a move on her?"

"I was planning to let go of her and support the both of you, I was perfectly fine by just staying at her side. But what happened today made me realize that I shouldn't, you couldn't even protect her." Jimin looked sad and disappointed.

"If you were hesitating whether to choose between her or your career, then don't deserve her at all." Jimin said furiously.

Jungkook was angry too, "Did you think I wanted this to happen? At that point whatever I do will end up putting her in harm!!"

"You have no idea how I wished I was the one who stood up their and protect her. You have no idea how fast my heart was beating when she walked up to the stage, how much I wished I could've just hold her and walk away from that scene. But.. whatever I do, it was a wrong." Jungkook's eyes were red and watery.

"He said so

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"He said so.." Jimin suddenly said leaving Jungkook a question mark.

Jungkook saw you hiding deeper down the hallway, holding in your cries, with eyes all red and puffy.

When you saw Jungkook looking at you, you couldn't hold in your cries anymore, you cried like a baby but at the same time keeping it down so it won't wake Chimchim up. Jungkook walked closer and hugged you tight. "Miyane~ saranghae~"

You calmed down in Jungkook's hug and you look to Jimin and he was smiling sweetly back to you, you smiled back to Jimin.

Jungkook broke the hug and he cupped your face, brushing your tears off your cheeks.

And Jungkook realized too what Jimin just did to let you two not to have misunderstandings, he looked to Jimin, "That was unnecessary..." Jungkook was acting swag, and all shy at the same time, "but thanks." He continued.

Jimin smiled and messed Jungkook's hair, "Why can't you just thank me sincerely." Jimin chuckled.

And he bro hugged Jungkook, "But if there'll gonna be a next time, I'll really not let go of her anymore." Jimin suddenly whispered to Jungkook. Of course, you didn't hear it.

You were thinking *OMG, does Jimin like Jungkook?!* and you hurriedly walk close to break them away.

Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other and giggled, looking at how you reacted.

Jimin stood away and pushed you to Jungkook's side, "Hurry and go, I've had a long day too. I really need some rest." And he pushed the both of you to the door.

"Have a good night and see you tomorrow." Jimin waved goodbye.

You were really thankful of Jimin, before he close the doors, you went on and gave him a friendly hug, "Jinjja kumowo, your my bestest friend." And gave him a friendly kiss on his cheeks.

Both of them were shocked of what you did, Jungkook couldn't react at all, his eyes were so big looking at Jimin and Jimin was in shock too, he didn't know what to do. 

You were about to break away from the hug, but Jimin pulled you close, Jungkook was looking furiously, Jimin was looking straight back to Jungkook while whispering to you, "Eunji-ah~ Actually I'm not gay." And he kissed you back on your cheeks.

Jungkook pulled you away and stood upfront, looking at you, and seeing you dumbfounded too. He sighed, looking at chuckling Jimin, he was having fun teasing the both of you.

"Just this once, if this happens again.." Jungkook warned and sighed.

"This will never happen again." Jungkook corrected his words.

Jimin smiled and waved, "good night."

Jungkook pulled you as he walk to the elevator, you were still not mentally blank. It was silent.

Jungkook pulled your hand all the way to his house, he sighed and pinned you to the doors as you got in.
You were shocked. He kissed you aggressively on your lips, "Stop thinking of other man." He looked into your eyes.

"I wasn't th-" you said in a soft voice but Jungkook kissed you again, and again. Gently small butterfly kisses made your heart flutter.

He hugged you dearly, for a long time, it was silent. You hugged back, burying yourself in his chest.
"It was such a long day, it felt like I haven't seen you for days." Jungkook chuckled. He could feel you nodding in his chest.

"I missed you so much too." You said.

== end chapter ==

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