Part 07

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in classroom , time flies
(after class)

You never thought that Jungkook planned it all, *that evil lil' brat, what is he planning to do!!* Your mind is in a mess again.

"What?! Jungkook is staying at your house tonight? and it's just the two of you?!" Momo said it in shock.

"ssshhhh!!!! keep it down." you quickly covered her mouth.

"Wear something nice." Sana suggested.

Jungkook came over to your class, "Noona, let's go home."

"Tell us all about it tomorrow." Sana and Momo said as you go towards Jungkook.

On your way back home, you were very nervous, since you don't have any idea what is Jungkook planning to do.

Jungkook's hand bumped to yours, you swiftly moved away, but Jungkook was faster and he grabbed your hand and interlocked his finger with yours.

He smiled cunningly, and you smiled back awkwardly.

"Why don't we eat out for dinner, nobody's home anyways." you said.

"I want to eat something you cooked." Jungkook stated with aegyo.

"ha? but I know only how to cook omelet rice."

"Then omelet rice it is." Jungkook grinned with his bunny teeth showing out.

Your heart surrendered.

in your house, at the kitchen

Jungkook was sitting by the counter watching you pull your hair up into a loose bun. He was staring at you and you can sense it.

"Stop looking." You glared at him with rosy cheeks.

Jungkook smiled and turned his head to the magazine but his eyes are still on you.

You furrowed your brows and showed a cute angry face.

Jungkook hit his chest with his hands showing that he just got his heart attacked.

and you laughed, "really quit staring."

You were finding the frying pan, and you found it in the upper cabinets, of course you couldn't reach it.

Jungkook came close and took it for you, when he looked down to you, you were looking up to him too.

Your face were close, you can feel him breathing.

You quickly looked down, "why would mom place it up there?" You giggled awkwardly.

"I placed it there this morning, so I can do this." he muttered.

Jungkook suddenly pecked you on your lips and smirked. You were in shock and couldn't even react.

He handed the frying pan to your hands, and folded up his sleeves, "I'll help. What to do next?" He smiled.

You shook your head and got a grip of yourself. *this is bad for the heart 😣 I have to stay strong.*

You took a deep breathe, calmed yourself, "Just go watch tv." and you pushed him out of the kitchen cuz you won't be able to take it anymore if he attacks you with kisses again.

After eating,

Jungkook offered washing the dishes, but you told him to get out of the kitchen again.

"Then I'll go take a shower." He said.

You started to wash the dishes, and suddenly the rain was pouring and a lightning struck down, all the lights in your house went down.

You remembered Jungkook being afraid of the dark. You stopped what you were doing right away and ran to the bathroom to check out on Jungkook, but it was too dark you couldn't see clearly. You bumped to something, "Jungkook? Are you alright?!"

Jungkook gently held your hand, "Noona~ I'm fine, don't worry."

"I thought you'd be so frightened, I was so worried." you were relieved.

"You don't think I was really afraid of the dark, do you?" He asked with a snort.

And the lights were back on, you saw Jungkook topless. You knew he got muscles but you didn't know he got abs too. For a sec you couldn't look away. You've seen him in pools and spas shirtless before, so you pretended not to be affected by it.

"I'll go and continue wash my dishes." You hurriedly found an excuse to leave.

Jungkook suddenly grabbed your hand and twisted you around. Pinning you onto the walls, he bent lower, "Noona, you should be more aware that you are a girl, barging into bathrooms when a guy is about to take a shower, isn't a good idea." Jungkook smirked.

"Are you seducing me?" He whispered to your ears.

✋️ End Chapter ✋️

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