Part 25

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"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for what I've done to you in the past. I don't expect you forgiveness, but... but.."
You stuttered.

"But what?" He softly asked whispering.
Your tears were pouring, "but.. but.. please don't act like someone I don't know. Please give me back the Jungkook I use to know."

Jungkook strongly pressed his lips to yours, and you realize it was real.

He gently broke the kiss and you were shocked by this. You want to get away from him but he was gripping your wrist tight, you can't even move an inch.

Jungkook pressed his lips on to yours once again. This time more aggressive, more passionate. His hands gently crawled from your wrist to your hand and interlocking it with your fingers.

He misses you so much but his pride just won't let him show that he still loves you. Then, you were gonna leave him once again and he just can't stand you being not there by his side anymore.

You were trying to push him away but he was so powerful. He grope on the your waist to pull you closer and held your nape to stop you from moving your head backwards. The kiss just got deeper and steamier.

When he finally broke the kiss. You couldn't believed that just happened and it happened twice!! Jungkook kissing you forcibly made you so confused. "Why did you do that? Is this fun for you? Am I some kind of joke to you?"

You glared at Jungkook with tears falling, you were angry and sad, you pushed him away and run out of the room.

Jungkook wanted to explain so he chased after you. You were running fast, wanting to get away and just leave. You took the wrong step by the staircase and fell.

Thinking that you hit the floor but when you opened your eyes, you were in Jungkook's arms. He protected you. Everyone in that party was alarmed. You were fine and you hurriedly tapped Jungkook worrying if he's ok too.

He slowly opened his eyes, you and some other guys helped him get up. You were really worried checking every part of his body if he's ok.

Jungkook is fine, but seeing you so concerned made him wish that be not.
"Aa!!" He sounded when you patted his arm.

Jungkook looked at you, and you looked to Jungkook with teary eyes.
"Wae?! Wae?! Appo?" You gently asked with a crying voice.

"Mm. I think I broke my arm, it hurts."
Jungkook acted like it really hurts but he was actually grinning inside, although he felt sorry for lying to everyone but he was just so happy to see you still care for him.

Some staff and you brought Jungkook into the hospital.
In the hospital,

The doctor was checking with the x-ray of the right arm. There was no problem at all. But Jungkook insisted that it hurts and to give him the bandage that'll make it look like a severe injury.

You and the other staff sat outside the hallway waiting for Jungkook. As he came out of the clinic room with a sling supporting his arm, you hurriedly came close to him, "What did the doctor said?"

"Umm... I'm fine. The doctor said that he fracture will take a couple of months to get healed and for the meantime I need to be fully at rest." He acted pitiful.

You looked very sorry since it was your fault that's why he got injured, well, you think it was your fault. The whole atmosphere was very gloomy.

"Well look on the bright side, Jungkook get to rest well too after all the busy schedules, he needs some rest." The team leader (eldest staff )said.

"Well, I am really fine, it's not as terrible as it looks." Jungkook starts to feel sorry for making you worry that much, but cunningly he added, "It's just that I live alone and it'll be really inconvenient with my hand like this." He sighed.

"Eunji, will you take care of Jungkook, just this couple of months? After all he got injured by protecting you." The team leader asked.

"Mmf! I'm so sorry, I will take full responsibility and take care of him." You said with watery eyes.

"Well, move in to his house tonight," the team leader commanded.

"Huh? Wait! What? Why?" You were confused.

"Well, you said you'll take full responsibility, what if something accidentally happened when no one is around. It is better to have someone with him 24/7. Just bring what your essentials and move in."


"But what? Jungkook would you like that?" The team leader asked.

"..." he looked at you.
"Well, it'll be better if someone was there to be my right hand." He said.

"Then all set. Let's take a cab and go to Eunji's now to grab her things."

"Bbbut..." you stuttered by their absurd plans.
"But what? Are you gonna take responsibility for it or not?"

"I am~ but.." you answered.
"Then no buts and let's go grab your things and let us drive you and Jungkook home~ It's already late, Jungkook needs to rest..." the team leader made the decision for you and it is final.
The crowd split into two, the team leader took Jungkook to his house first and the rest accompanied you to your house and waited for you to pack your things, then took you to Jungkook's place.

You were outside the door house. Before you knock at his door, you took a deep breath and sighed, "How did things ended up like this."

Suddenly Jungkook opened the door from the inside.

"A! Kapjagya!" made you jump, since you haven't even knocked nor rang the doorbell yet.

Jungkook pulled you inside quickly and locked the door.

He hugged you so tight, "what took you so long? I was so worried that something might have happened on your way here

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He hugged you so tight, "what took you so long? I was so worried that something might have happened on your way here." He softly whispered to you.

He looked like a lost child who was about to cry, you were suppose to push him away, but instead, "Sorry, I'm late." you replied.  And patted his back.

❤️ end chapter ❤️

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