Part 08

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You saw Jungkook topless,

You knew he got muscles but you didn't know he got abs too. For a sec you couldn't look away. You've seen him in pools and spas shirtless before, like this,

 You've seen him in pools and spas shirtless before, like this,

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but now... 🙈

You forced yourself to snap out of it, and pretended not to be affected.

"A-a-I'll go and continue wash my dishes." You hurriedly found an excuse to leave.

Jungkook suddenly grabbed your hand and twisted you around. Pinning you onto the walls, he bent lower and face closer, "Noona, you should be more aware that you are a girl, barging into bathrooms when a guy is about to take a shower, isn't a good idea." Jungkook smirked.

"Or do you wanna join me?" He whispered to your ears.

When he looked at you, he got closer and was about to kiss you. You shut your eyes and your whole face twisted, you seemed to be afraid. He realized he might have went too far, seeing your hand gripping so hard, he let out a long sigh.

"You are so cunning. Ha~~" he held your hand and squatted down, pulling you together. His head facing down with his eyes covered by his arm.

He sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, ha~~ I'm sorry." he held your hand and squat down, pulling you on to squatting down too. His head face looking downwards. He thought you were really scared.

"No! It's not like that! I was just nervous." you hurriedly explained.

"Very very nervous." you added.

He faced you, you were looking to him. He was gazing deeply into your eyes.

"Me too, you know." as he placed your hand onto his left chest.

"I'm nervous too~ " he said softly.

You really felt it, his heart was beating like crazy.
You giggled.

Then, you just realized you were touching his body, his chest to be exact. Your face to your ears had gone all red. You pushed Jungkook, made him sat on the floor, "U-u-You should hurry go take your bath,"

You shut the door and ran away.

Back to the kitchen,
You were washing the dishes, but you're mind was elsewhere. You turned the grip of the faucet to fullest, the water came out quick ang strong, it splashed all over your shirt and when you tried to stop the water from splashing, it splashed all over your face, even your hair was wet.

Jungkook came to the kitchen, with a towel on his shoulder brushing his wet hair.

"What happened?!" worried but chuckling. ㅋㅋ
Seeing you soaking wet, he ran to you and wrapped you with his towel and brushing your hair and wiping your face.

Your eyes were closed because he was wiping your face, and he stopped and stared at you. Your cheeks are so round and puffy like marshmallows, "so cute" he thought. Not knowingly he actually said it out loud. 

You widened your eyes and you two were looking right at each other, he leaned closer again, tilting his head, clearly he wanted to kiss you and you covered half of your face with the towel in reflex, but it didn't stop him from getting closer.

You quickly turned around, *achuu!*

Jungkook smiled.

"Hurry and go take a bath before you catch a cold."He ruffled your hair and smirked.

You were so shy, you didn't even looked at him anymore. You just nodded and went off.

After your shower,
Don't want anymore surprises from Jungkook, you went straight back to your room,

"Kook-ah~ I'm going to sleep, just sleep in the guest room like you always did. Good Night." you shouted down along the stairways thinking that Jungkook is still downstairs and quickly locked your room to prevent Jungkook from coming inside.

You turned off the lights and got on to bed. You stretched a bit and got all cozy with you pillows and blankets. You turned to the other side around and...

"Noona~" Jungkook slowly wrapped his arms on to your waist.

You startled!!!

✋️ End Chapter ✋️

My cutting of story is genius, don't you think? 😂
ㅋㅋㅋ 🤣
Stay tuned 😘

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