Part 22

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You're phone rang, you reached for your phone,
"Hello?" You answered still half asleep.

"Noona~ I miss you." A voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Huh? What?" You looked at the caller id.
It was Jungkook.

And you woke up, heart racing...
it was a dream...

Just when you're calmed down, you got startled by your alarm.

You sighed, and walked to your bathroom to get dressed and prepared.
Arriving at Jungkook's place, going up the elevator...

Jungkook's house, a two floor penthouse at the most luxurious building in the Central area of the Seoul.

You rang the doorbell but there was no answer, you figured that he must still be sleeping so you repeatedly rang the doorbell several times, but Jungkook didn't open the door. You were just about to call him on his phone, and the door clacked open.

"You're so noisy, couldn't you just wait. I was in the shower." Jungkook came opening the door topless, with a towel wrapped on his waist and brushing his hair with another.

You looked away immediately, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

Jungkook was still brushing his hair dry, he looked at you, but got reminded of some other guy you're cuddling with last night, he got pissed, he just left the door opened and turned his way around.

"There's the fridge, get some orange juice." Jungkook pointed.

"No, thank you." You politely refused.

Jungkook let out a cold laugh, "it's not for you." He rolled his eyes, "and make me breakfast while I go change."

You were left dumbfounded as he was commanding you to do stuff, cooking breakfast??!! that's not even part of your work. Though you're not REALLY VERYwillingly but you still made him breakfast.

You purposely added too much salt on the dishes to teach him a lesson to stop ordering you around like you're his maid.

Jungkook came downstairs.
Went to the dining table and took the plate, he tilted his head pointing outside the balcony telling you to follow him. You were so excited to see his face when he eats the fried eggs so you skipped your way and followed him.

Jungkook turned around facing his back to you and he smirked because you were so easy to read. But he recollected himself and showed again his poker face.

When you stepped out the balcony,

The penthouse view together with the breaking dawn, it was magnificent

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The penthouse view together with the breaking dawn, it was magnificent.

Jungkook laid back to the sofa, "Have a seat." He asked.
He placed the plate of fried eggs in front of you. "Here, on the second thought, I'm not that hungry, you can have it." showing a gentlemanly smile and drinking from the glass of orange juice.

Your face expression froze, you didn't think he'd give it to you. "II-I had a vv-verrrryyy heavy breakfast,"

He remained silent and stared at you, it was very awkward. You had no choice and you took a bite of your cooking. With a stiff smile and a sour face, you couldn't even control your facial expression, "mmm... ittt's deliciious." You hurriedly pushed it down with the whole glass of water.

Jungkook was laughing so hard when he saw your expression, "You're so easy to read, as naive as the old times."

You glared at him, and sat straight up, "What do you want? Telling me to come here so early in the morning," You rolled your eyes on him.

Jungkook sat back on the couch and relaxed, "Well, isn't this view great?" He asked with an evil smirk.

"Don't tell me that you just wanted to show off your place." You rolled your eyes again.

"Yeah~ yes I did." Jungkook raised his brow.

"U R  UN-believable." You just simply ran out of words by his childishness.

"Regret what you did?" He snorted.

You raised your brows.

"Well, If you hadn't left me back then, all of these, and all of me will be yours," Jungkook smiled proudly, "You'll probably be living in here with me."

You just couldn't react to what he just said.
"Wha.. You think I'll be after this? Seriously?" You asked him back.

"Ok, I can get it when you want to boast your possessions and stuff, and I know you must hate me for what I did to you in the past, but this is just ruining my dignity. I quit. I'm leaving." You grabbed you bag and was about to leave.

Jungkook slammed his hand on the balcony doors, you got startled and you turned around back facing Jungkook, he pinned you on the walls, and glared.

"Who ever said that you can just quit?" Jungkook said in an soft deep voice. "We have a full-time contract, you can't just quit." Jungkook smirked.

"I really don't get it, don't you hate me? Then why did you make me your manager?" You groaned without any idea.

Jungkook leaned closer all of a sudden, you can almost feel him breathing. "You really don't get it?"

He snaked his head to your ears and whispered, "Because it's fun to see you suffer

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He snaked his head to your ears and whispered, "Because it's fun to see you suffer." He moved back with a big evil smirk, "Prepare yourself for it."

✋️end chapter✋️

💕thank you so much for your love and support,
👋 I will go on vacation this week, but will upload as soon as I can. 💓💓💓

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