Part 21

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Before you noticed, your face was very close to his, you two stared at each other for a while, and silence.

Jungkook smirked," you enjoying this?"

You rolled your eyes and returned to your seat properly, "Don't be so childish and give back my phone." You put out your hand.

He tossed your phone to you, opened his door and stepped out one foot. He looked back to you with an unconcerned face,"I already saved my number in your phone, I'll text you the time and place to pick me up." and you look at him walk away.

You let out a deep sigh.*Am I the only one suffering depression here? *

Well, you weren't expecting a big warm reunion after all these years, but at least he could have asked about how have you been doing. He was acting like a stranger, no, just like someone who used to live next door.
You went outside the building and you saw Jimin standing by the side of his car waiting for you,

"Eunji-ah~," he called your name and waved at you smiling sweetly.

You smiled back to him and waved weakly, expressing how tired and depressed you were.

Jimin got really worried and hurriedly went by your side.

"Aigoo~ wuli Eunji-ah~ mahni gossaenghaesseo~ jalhaesso~ (You had a ling day, you did great)" Jimin patted your head and gave you a big warm comforting hug

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"Aigoo~ wuli Eunji-ah~ mahni gossaenghaesseo~ jalhaesso~ (You had a ling day, you did great)" Jimin patted your head and gave you a big warm comforting hug.

The moment he hugged you, it was like you finally get to put the weight on your shoulders down, you burst into tears in his arm, "I really really did my best today, wah~"

"Of course you did, you always do your best." Jimin consoled.

"I'm so tired right now. Wah~" you cried out loud and hugged him tight.

Jimin smiled and continued patted your head.

"Mmf... tell me more." You commanded, left Jimin a question mark.

You broke the hug, you looked to Jimin with reddish watery eyes,
"Tell me more about how good I did." You exclaimed.

"Ahh~" Jimin didn't get it at first, but he realized you want to hear more of those encouraging words.

"Eunji jjang!"
"Aaa.. Umm.."

Looking at him trying so hard to think of something to say, you chuckled, he was happy that it made you cheered up. Jimin chuckled too.

"Let's go back, your pasta is waiting for you."
Jimin led you to his car and drove away.

From the inside of the building, Jungkook forgot to give you the spare card key into his house so he went back to you but he didn't expect to see all of that. As he saw Jimin and you cuddling and embracing each other, he was full of anger.

Your house,
After dinner and enjoying the view from you balcony, you received a text message.

"Be here at BH Mansion by 6am." -Jungkook

You rolled your eyes and didn't reply.

"Don't be late." -Jungkook

"Urgh!!!" You said it opened your second canned beer.

Jimin chuckled, "woah~ can you drink that much?"

"Pfft! No worries." You took the beer and bottoms up.

"I have to sleep, I need to get up early tomorrow morning. Good night."

"Chaljja~" Jimin replied with his sweet voice.

You went into your room.

You came out again, "Jimin-ah~ I'm fine sharing my bed with you." You told Jimin with obvious tipsy and drowsy eyes.

"I won't be fine." Jimin uttered in a small voice but you were too tipsy to hear it.

"What? Do you want to?" You asked with a loud voice.

"Eunji-ah~ just go to sleep. I'll be fine just using your couch." Jimin dragged you back to your room and put you on bed.

"Hurry and go to sleep," Jimin patted your head gently and put you into deep sleep

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"Hurry and go to sleep," Jimin patted your head gently and put you into deep sleep.

He went out of your room and he stood out by the door and looked at you.

He was thinking of staying but he quickly locked your door from the inside. "Aish! Pabo!" He told to himself as he was hit his head with his knuckles regretting that he locked your doors.

"No, you're doing the right thing, kwenchana kwenchana" He said insisting himself and slapped his face hardly.

Went to his couch and tried his best to get some sleep.

You're phone rang, you reached for your phone,
"Hello?" You answered still half asleep.

"Noona~ I miss you." A voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Huh? What?" You looked at the caller id.
It was Jungkook.
✋️end chapter✋️

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