Part 05

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Jungkook's side of the story

- recess -
"Jungkook, I heard your childhood friend fainted. Yo-"

Jungkook didn't even finish hearing the sentence and ran so fast to your classroom, eyes so wide searching for you. He couldn't see you anywhere and he ran to the infirmary and he saw you lying on the bed, sleeping, he sighed as a relief.

The doctor sounded, "She has a fever, but she fine now."

Jungkook was blaming himself for not noticing it earlier.

"She should go home and get some rest." the doctor continued.

Jungkook brought you home and made you lie on your bed. Both your parents are at work, Jungkook told them your condition and not to worry because he'll take care of you.

You woke up lying in your bed, and you saw Jungkook sleeping on your side.

You were recalling what happened, and you remembered parts but it's all vague, your classmates surrounding you and you remembered seeing the Jungkook talking to the doctor in the infirmary and you remembered Jungkook carrying you on his back and it felt nice and warm.

You slowly sat on your bed and trying not to wake him up, but still Jungkook woke up.

Jungkook looked at you all worried, you grinned at him. "I'm fine now, I'll just go get some water."


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"Sit. Don't move." He commanded and hurriedly went downstairs to get you some.

You realized you're in your pajamas, and you saw your uniform folded on your desk.

Jungkook came in your room with some snacks, water and medicine.

"Why and how did I get into my pajamas?" You gripped your shirt and glared at Jungkook, got him startled.

Jungkook smirk, "Noona~ as much as I wanted to, still I asked the ajuma from the next door to help you change."

"Here, you have to eat something first before taking the medicine." He gently placed the tray on your lap and sat on the cushion on the floor staring up at you, still really worried.

You looked at him, "I'm really fine."

"I'm sorry for not noticing earlier, " he looked at you with big eyes like a puppy.

You ruffled his hair and patted his head, "Thank you for taking care of me" you smiled.

He grinned but looked sad, "well, even though I'm one sided in love with you, I'm still your boyfriend."

You heart felt a little pain when he said that.

Jungkook stood up and left the room...

Leaving you. You didn't know why, but you ran outside the room and chased after.

You saw him in the kitchen and you felt a relief. For a moment, your heart skipped a beat. Your face was all red. You thought he left.

"Where were you going?!" You asked as you walked towards him with furrowed brows and watery eyes.

"Don't leave me alone like that." Your tears started to pour.

Even you yourself were surprised, maybe it was the fever that got you so emotional, or maybe because Jungkook suddenly left which made you worried and panicked. You're not sure, but what you are sure of is that...

"Jungkook! sorry I'm so slow, because you were always there for me, and I took it for granted. But to think that you'll be leaving me someday, my heart hurts. I don't want you to leave, I want you to stay by my side, always. I- I- I didn't realize but I- I- !!!"

Jungkook was so happy and he couldn't stop his smiles, seeing you all panicked up which he thought was so cute made him wanna tease you more

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Jungkook was so happy and he couldn't stop his smiles, seeing you all panicked up which he thought was so cute made him wanna tease you more.

"You what?" he smirked as he walked closer and eyes straight to yours.

You were blushing so much and you looked away, "I think I'll tell you some other time." 

You looked away and turned your back to him, and walked away.


I'll post the next chapter soon.

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