Part 38

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Jimin walked inside the elevator first. And you were dumbfounded holding Chimchim not going inside the elevator.

"What?!" Eyes all big and wide, hesitating whether you should walk in or not.

"Come on, it'll be just a casual dinner." Jimin added.

Your brows drew together, you got nervous. Jimin couldn't hold the elevator for a long time and he went to grab your hand and pulled you in, gently, together with Chimchim.

"I don't know if I should be doing this. Is this even right? What do they know? About us?" You bombarded Jimin with questions.

Jimin chuckled, "Relax~ It's just a dinner. I want them to meet Chim and you, we've known each other for over 10 years, I want you to know it all, you're my best friend."

You couldn't reject after hearing that, so you agreed joining them for dinner.

== Dinner ==

Everything was very casual, the greetings and stuff.
The room was just the three of you and Jimin's parents.

While eating,
"So.. when is the big day?" His mom suddenly asked.

You choked on your water your drinking, you looked to Jimin with big eyes.

"Mom, it's not like that, we're just best friends." Jimin simply explained.

"Oh is that so.. I don't get the young ones nowadays." She giggled to his dad.

"Well, you have to get married someday, right?" She asked you. And you just gave a silent smile as an answer, you don't know what to say actually, you don't want to be rude.

It was awkward for you to stay, you need to catch a breath, so you excused yourself and went to the ladies' room.

== 🚺 ==

You stayed quite a long time, staring at yourself in the mirror, thinking, rethinking, calming yourself down.

When you went out, you saw Jimin leaning to the wall waiting for you. "What's took you so long? Are you alright?" Jimin got worried.

"I'm fine." You smiled.
"Honestly, it would make me feel a lot better if you can tell me what is the purpose of coming here." You went straight asking Jimin.

Jimin sighed, "I told her we are friends, you're just helping me raising Chimchim. My mom wants me to get married and have a family as soon as possible, she kept on arranging marriages for me, that's why I told her I already have a family in reflex, plus it was mainly because she saw the news."

Jimin sighed again, "I'm really sorry."
You snorted, "OH My Gosh~ Jimin-ah~ you could have just told me so, I'd be glad to help."

Jimin was surprised by what you said, "Jinjja?!"

"Of course! Well, I wouldn't want you to lie to your parents, just this time, but you better tell them the truth soon, before they start to expect something." You patted Jimin's back.

Who would have thought, Jungkook was having his dinner with some of the sponsors at the exact same place. He bumped to the 2 of you, you looked like embracing Jimin (actually patting him).

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