Part 26

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Jungkook hugged you so tight when he pulled you inside his house, "what took you so long? I was so worried that something might have happened on your way here." He softly whispered to you.

He looked like a lost child who was about to cry, you were suppose to push him away, but instead, "Sorry, I'm late." you replied.  And patted his back.

He gently broke the hug and took your baggage from you,

"Hey hey hey, how can I let you carry my bag, your already injured." You hurriedly took it back.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he forgot his hand got fractured. And he pretended that it hurts again, with painful expression.

You dropped your bag and went close to him, "Wae? did it hurt again?" You looked really worried.

"Yeah, occasionally..." Jungkook answered.

You furrowed your brows and you looked to him with teary eyes, "miyane.." and sniffed.

"No need to apologize, it was an accident. Com'on now, I'll show you to your room." He bent over and still took the bag. He raised your bag up effortlessly.

"See, I'm really fine." He cheerfully smiled and lead the way to your room. "This is the guest room, you can use this as your room."

"For now..." Jungkook said in whispers and smiled. and he opened the doors.

Everything was all elegant and cozy

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Everything was all elegant and cozy.
"This is your guest room?" You can't believe it, it was even better than your room.

"This is really nice." You entered the room and looked around.

Jungkook put down your bag aside, "Then I'll be going to my room..."

Jungkook headed for the door and you called him,
"Jungkook, sorry... and thank you for protecting me~" you smiled to him so sweetly.

Jungkook got all blushed up. Thank goodness the room lights were not that bright. He smiled back to you, "It's nothing, you would have done the same for me. " and Jungkook left your room.

You sighed as you heard footsteps leaving, you jumped to the cozy bed, "OH MY GAWD~ This bed is so comfy," you rested your eyes for a while and suddenly the scene Jungkook pinned you and kissed you flashed into your mind. Got you all burning, and you remembered the hug too, you got all butterflies in your stomach and squealed inside.

You got up from bed, *what am I thinking* *aaaa~~~ mola mola* you went to take your bath and cool off.

Just got out of shower, wearing your pjs

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Just got out of shower, wearing your pjs. Your eyes were awfully tired and you hurriedly cozy yourself in the bed and soon fell asleep.

Later that night, Jungkook came back to your room to check up on you. He saw you sleeping so calm and deep, he felt a relief. He was holding all the guilt and every time you looked like you were about to cry, he feels so sorry but at the same time overwhelmed. He couldn't help it. He giggled in silence and sat on the edge of your bed. He gently brushed your hair.

"Eunji-ah~" he sighed.
"There's so many things I wanna tell you,"
"I've missed you so much."
You can hear his voice trembling.

"This 10 years, there was just so many things that happened to me, I even blamed you at first but then I realized that it was just an excuse to fool myself because the truth is I just couldn't get you off my mind." Jungkook confessed with a teary voice as he recalled.

"You have no idea how happy I was when we first met again in Seoul. It felt like destiny and this time, I'm never letting you go, Eunji, saranghae ."

He kissed your head and went back to his room.
When he walked out of your room, you hurriedly covered yourself in your sheets and your tears couldn't stop falling, you tried to cover your cries with the blanket but your cries just get worse.
*Nadu saranghae~ kook-ah~ miyane miyane~*
You ended up crying yourself to sleep.

You woke up realizing it was already 11 in the morning, your eyes were all swollen, you sighed in front of the mirror, "ugh.. I'm so ugly." You cooled it down with a cold towel, but it still looked bloated.
You were compelling yourself in front of the mirror to not reveal that you actually heard him last night. There was nothing much you can do about it, you changed your pjs and went out of your room.

You followed the delicious smell to the kitchen,  Jungkook was cooking!!!

"You cook?? Wait a sec, how's your arm? You took off the bandage?? Is that alright?!!" You ran close and checked his arm,

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"You cook?? Wait a sec, how's your arm? You took off the bandage?? Is that alright?!!" You ran close and checked his arm,

"It's fine as long as I don't use strength, I told you that bandage was just too exagger....," he stopped as he saw your crying face, your tears just came welling up. You couldn't just pretend that you heard nothing last night. You can't control your emotions. Your tears just came pouring down.

Jungkook was startled since you started crying all of a sudden, he immediately let go of everything he had in his hands and turned to you, he wanted to grab you but he stopped, he's just in panic state. "Wae? Wae? Odi appo?" He's hands were close to touching you but he was unsure if you were hurting or not.

"K-kkook-ah~ miyane~ kook-ah~ miyane~" you kept repeating these words as you cry.

Jungkook's tears well up too, he figured out you must have heard what he said last night, he can tell just by the look on your face, it was a cry of sorrow.

He pulled you into his chest, "Don't cry~ I'm the one who should be sorry. Sorry for leaving you alone, for making you feel lonely, for hurting you." He hugged you tighter.

Your cries came out muffled in his chest, and you were patting his chest signing him to break the hug.
Jungkook gently broke the hug, and he chuckled, you can see his eyes all red and puffy too and you wiped some tears in his eyes, and sweetly smiled, "Jungkook." You sniffled and paused.

Jungkook was all ears.

"I'm fine now... but I think what you're cooking isn't..." you chuckled.

Jungkook remembered he was cooking breakfast and he hurriedly turned off the oven and just stared disappointedly at the ruined dish, which made you giggle and laugh. He looked like a child who just lost his meal.

You folded up your sleeves and tied up your hair, still with swollen red eyes. "I'll cook you a new one."

🤣 end chapter 🤣

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