Part 15

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You got home,

You were all wet since it was raining, but you didn't care about the weather anymore. All you can think of is what Jungkook's mom told you.

"You're all wet!! O My Gosh, what happened?!" You're mom rushed to you covering you up with a towel and brushing it to keep you warm.

You covered your swelling eyes, and smiled, "The rain suddenly poured down, I'm gonna head to shower~"

You went to the bathroom, and your necklace was gone as you looked into the mirror, you hurriedly went out searching for it.

You ran back all the way to the cafe to find it but it was dark, raining and cold, you felt hopeless. The air felt thinner, you couldn't breathe smoothly, your heart pain so much. You couldn't stand straight and everything was spinning and you fell.

In the hospital,

You saw the white ceiling and your mom, "Mom?"

"Oh thank God, let me just go get the doctors." Your mom seemed to be thinner.

"She'll be fine, just rest well, and don't stress yourself., you can go home today but it's best if tomorrow." The doctor kindly smiled and left.

"Mom~ I'm sorry for making you worry." You really felt bad.

"Oh~ it's nothing, you must be hungry, you've passed out for two whole days. Is there something you want to eat?"

"2 whole days?!" You roamed around searching for your phone, Jungkook is the first thing that popped to your mind.

"What is it?" Your mom saw you searching for something.

"My phone.." you searched like really worried.

"It was broken, all the water got inside the phone, but dad bought you a new one, it's charging at home. Dear~ is there something else bothering you, you can tell me, you know." Your mom looked very concerned.

You remembered, you were searching for your necklace that's why you ran out. You really felt like the while world was against you and Jungkook being together, you feel unwell. "Mom, I wanna go back home today."

Your mom agreed as she looked at your pitiful face. "Ok, let me just go settle the payments. You pack the things up, ok?"

"Mmm.." you nodded.

By the lobby,

You were waiting for your mom, and you didn't control your tears from felling, knowing the fact that you won't ever gonna find your necklace back anymore.

You wiped off your tears quickly, before anyone sees you.
Suddenly a guy came towards you and handed tissues,

"Are you ok?" He asked with a gentle voice.
"Thanks, I'm fine." You took the tissue from his hand.

"You're crying again." He bend lower to see your face as you didn't look to him.

"Huh? Do I know you?" You looked to him, *again?* *who is he?* *did we met before?*

"That's rude, haha, I can be considered as your savior, you know." He chuckled and sat beside you.

"Here's for you. I was planning to bring it to your room though." He handed a bouquet of flowers.

You were looking at him suspiciously, and he was smiling brightly with cheeks fully.

"Oh, Jimin-shi, you came." Your mom said as she comes nearer.

"Omo! Kumowo, visiting us everyday." Your mom took the flowers.

You ran and hid behind your mom, "What's going on?"

"Oh, he didn't tell you? He's the one who found you fainted outside that cafe. And also the one who brought you to this hospital " your mom explained.

You blushed, with a little embarrassing face, "Thank you."

"Nah~ it's nothing. I'm Jimin by the way." He smiled sweetly introducing himself.

"Jimin-shi, want to go grab some coffee?" Your mom invited him as a gratitude.

"Mom, I really wanna go home now." You whispered to your mom since you really want to get in touch with Jungkook.

"Oh don't sweat it, Auntie. Maybe some other time, she needs some more rest." He showed a very gentle smile.

"Get well soon, Eunji." he patted your head.

"Don't cry anymore, your mom will get really worried." He whispered and left.

  ((== A/N == I really didn't want to give a name, but it's hard to keep the story going, so...)) 

✋️ end chapter ✋️

"PARK Eunji"

This will be your name. I hope you like it.  💓

Sorry that Jungkook doesn't show up that much recently...
As an apology, ✨✨✨ 2 chapters ✨✨✨
I've decided to make this story long. This will be just like a prologue of the story. 😁 enjoy guys.

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