Part 13

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"Actually there's just one thing left." He spoke with his deep voice.

He pushed you lying down on his bed and holding your wrists up crossed with one hand. The other gently caressing all the way from your legs upto your waist, "Noona, you're really mean, always torturing me like this." He smirked evilly.

His gentle touch tickles you, sent chills to your spine.
He gazed deeply into your eyes, as he leaned closer. So close that you can feel the steam of the air he breathes out, you shut your eyes tight, cuz you were too embarrassed to look straight to Jungkook.

You're scared but you want him to touch you more, Jungkook saw you trembling, he smiled and gently cupped your cheek and gave you a small kisses, "You're just too cu-ute~, how can I ever hurt you."

He let go of your wrists and sat up. You hurriedly got up too and grabbed him on his shirt. "No, it's fine, I'm ready."

"Just push me away if you didn't liked it. You don't have to force yourself." Jungkook leaned closer as he whispered those words and he gently caressed your cheeks.

Jungkook slowly and softly kissed your lips. He tilted his head to the other side and kissed you again and again. Each kiss getting deeper and hotter, you put your hands around him and his hands were cupping your face and it slowly moved down to your neck down to your waist..

Everything was burning hot and steamy, Jungkook was passionate and gentle at the same time. How he touches you shows how much he adores you. His warmth made you feel safe and secure, and his love, everything belongs to you, and only you, at that very moment. A moment you will never forget.

When you woke up, you widened your eyes real quick, you saw Jungkook lying next to you, made you felt a relief and happy, "it was all real," you checkled to yourself.

You turned to face the sleeping Jungkook, and you snorted. "Looking so innocent." You poked his cheeks. He grabbed your waist and pulled you close all of a sudden.

He head moved closer, with his soft lips kissing your forehead. "It's not a dream afterall," he was relieved as well.

He took a deep breath, "Noona~ I love your scent." He grinned as he cuddled you more.

"Oh my gosh, it's already 11pm. Mom must be so worried." You gently pushed him away.

Jungkook pulled you back in, "Don't worry, Auntie knows you're at my place, I texted her when you fall asleep, after helping me pack up things, she said you can stay here for the night." He chuckled.

You two cuddled and stayed together until the morning.

The next day, airport

Jungkook and you were hugging each other,
"You have to go, or you won't catch your flight." You said breaking the hug.

"A~a~ Just a little more, I don't even know for how long I'll be gone." He whined hugging you tighter

He broke the hug and you felt something on your neck. It was a necklace. You touched it, "what's this?"

"It means that we are linked together forever

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"It means that we are linked together forever." Jungkook embarrassingly said, with one hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm telling you, you can't remove this, if you took this off I'll fly back here right away and handcuff you to me." Jungkook warned you as he giggled.

You smiled as your eyes got watery, "Jungkook-ahhh~" your voice was trembling.

He cupped your face and gave you a deep kiss. Your tears couldn't stop falling. "I'm gonna miss you so much,"

"I'm gonna miss you more." Jungkook looked like he was about to cry too.

He hugged you one last time, "I love you so~ much."

"I love you too." You hugged him back tighter.

He gave you one last sweet kiss before he went off.

________________--------------------- 🛫

And the long distance relationship started.

Well, everyday you'd send messages and chat. He'll tell you funny and sweet things, you'll tell him daily happenings, the relationship was going pretty well.

It's just that, there's something missing, you still felt lonely, you want to go on dates, you want to hold hands, hug him, touch him, kiss him. You want to be his side.

✋️end chapter✋️

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