Chapter 1

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I walked into a tiny bar that was filled much past the maximum occupancy. It was crammed with sweaty drunks that I pushed out of my way and proceeded to the bar tender. It was the time of the year where the people of New Orleans celebrate the casket girls. Little did they know they were standing before one in the flesh.

"One scotch, please." I asked the bar tender as he turned around. Then of course he laughed like any other bar tender would do.

"Kid, you're like 17."It was my turn to laugh,

"I am much older then 17, my friend, and now may I suggest you get me some scotch.""Oh, I'm sorry, you're 17 and a half then." he said sarcastically.

"You're very lucky today, sir. I am in a good mood. For I am about to come in contact with my siblings who I have yet to see in more then a century. So get me some scotch before my good mood is lost."

"Look, I don't know what a century means in whatever country you're from but here in America it's 100 years and I'm not gonna give alcohol to a teenager."

"I am from America, actually, despite my accent. Now Please. Get Me. Some Scotch." I said agitated.

"How. About. No." He mimicked me as we got into a stare off.

"Very well then. Unlucky for you I do not prefer to use compulsion on silly humans."

"Okay whatever kid." he said as he walked away not even giving thought to what I said.I gave a frustrated sigh before walking over to the dart board and pulling three darts out of the small bin holding them. Then all at once I threw them at the bar tenders head, lodging them deep into his skull... He was dead before he hit the floor.

An abrupt scream filled the room as a bystander stood over the bar tenders body.

Everyone rushed to him, all unaware that I was the killer. I casually walked over to the bar, unseen to the distracted civilians, and took the scotch then strolled out the door murmuring a single word, "bullseye."

As I walked down the street I listened for a dead heart beat but to no avail so I decided to take a trip back to our old mansion. When I got there it was silent but the cars in the driveway proved that there was life there. The front door was unlocked. There was no point in locking it. Unwanted vampires can't get in and any human who tried to rob the place would be dead within seconds of entering.

As I entered I was met by two very big vampires."Who are you?" one said crossing his arms.

"Me? I'm Ember of course." I joked.

"Ember?" the other said."The one and only," I smiled, "Well, actually I'm sure there are others in the world, but none are quite like me," The two men gave me a puzzled look, "You two aren't the brightest people in the world. Are you?"

"Kid, you need to leave. Go home." He said trying to compel me.

I pretended to be in a daze for a second making me look like a human, before laughing "But I live here."

"What the hell? She's a vampire?" the other said confused.

"No, no, no, no. I am most certainly not a vampire, I'm a hybrid. An original one in fact."

It was the vampires turn to laugh, "You? An original hybrid?"

"Yes precisly." I said getting annoyed."Look, your not a hybrid but sense you are a vampire, we are more then free to kill you."

"Sir, may I suggest you take a step back." I said seriously. 

"Jack, I say we should teach this kid a lesson

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"Jack, I say we should teach this kid a lesson." he said turning towards his friend. But when he saw him his eyes went wide. Jack's heart laid on the floor next to him and soon so was the other man.

I sighed, "You should have believed me," and then I noticed a distinctive scent... Wolf, right up the stairs."So you're watching me." I said as I ran up the stairs faster then you could see, startling a pregnant wolf. From there I put two and two together."No, I was just...""You must be Hayley? The young werewolf Klaus, what do kids these days say, knocked up."

"I'm sorry. I was just-"

"Calm down. I'm not going to kill you. You're family right?" She was extremely confused when I said the word family, "Ohhh, I see. You don't know who I am, do you? How awkward." I smirked, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Ember Mikalson. Half sister to Elijah and Rebekah, full sister to Klaus. It's a pleasure to meet you." I said holding out my hand and of course she didn't shake it.

"You're Ember?"

"Yes, I assume my siblings have not spoken of me."

She stood there for a second in disbelief, "No, they do. Elijah and Rebekah do."

"And Klaus?" I said already knowing the answer. Her mouth didn't move as she was unsure of what to answer, "It's quite alright. I don't speak of Klaus very much either."There was a few seconds of awkward silence before I spoke again, "So have you seen my siblings recently by chance?"

"Yeah, actually Klaus and Elijah should be in the Abattoir." She said. I could tell Hayley was apprehensive about talking to me. Elijah or Rebecca must have spoken of my past or maybe just my personality in general.

"Well I must go find them, then. It was a pleasure meeting you and I'm sure I will see you again soon." I said with a nod and before she could respond I had left the room at vampire speed.

AN/ thanks for reading my first chapter. If you liked it I would be so thankful if you followed and commented. Your reviews just make me want to write more. Thanks.

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