Chapter 4

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Rebekah P.O.V.:

I sat with Elijah in silence as we both processed what was happening. The youngest of us had returned after a century.

"She's finally home." Elijah said still in bewilderment.

"I know." I whispered.

"But there's something strange... Something different about her." Elijah said as he was deep in thought.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well, don't you think it's peculiar that she has come back for no reason after a century of no contact with us." He responded.

I thought about it for a second, "I suppose so," it was silent for a few more moments before I spoke again, "Why is Niklaus so angry? He was the one who drove her away. He should be sorry!"

"Niklaus has an unpredictable personality. Who knows what is going through his mind right now." My brother responded calmly.

"Well he needs to get his personality under control before he drives her off again." I said angrily. I had always been closest to my little sister. I was her only elder sister and she was my only little sister and so I protected her, though she rarely needed it considering her species.

But she wasn't always this way. When we were mortal our father was just as harsh on her as he was on Niklaus.


One night I was sitting in my room when my 10 year old sister limped in. "What happened, Ember?" I asked her confused.

"I-I uh fell." She responded shakily with her head turned away so I could not see her face. I immediately stood up and walked towards her.

"Let me see you're face." I commanded suspicously. When she shook her head 'no' I grabbed her face by the chin and forced her to look at me. Her eye was encircled with a purple bruise about the size of a fist. "Ember, who did this to you?" I asked angrily.

She looked up at me with wide, scared eyes, "He told me not to tell. He'll kill me if I do." She muttered.

"Ember, you must tell me. I can tell our brothers and then there is no way this man will be able to hurt you again." I said as I led her over to sit on my bed.

"It's not that simple." she responded cryptically.

"Look, Ember, you're my little sister, " I said as I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, "I'm here to keep you safe. He can't hurt you if we handle this now. Do you understand?"

She nodded 'yes' and took a deep breath before saying one word, "father."

End of Flashback

He was my father. He was the one person who I couldn't protect her from. Never had I felt weaker than at that moment.

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