Chapter 10

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        As we arrived at the French Quarter the city was in shambles. It seemed as if Armageddon had come but the rapture had some how been forgotten. What remained of buildings, either rubble or cinder, floated in puddles of water as groups of people gathered in the streets waiting for some sort of relief to come. As we walked through the groups of people I felt Davina hesitate. She was staring at all of the destruction. She felt guilty. "It's not your fault." I tried to reassure her but she only nodded sadly.

We arrived at the Abattoir to silence. I could sense that there were people there but I couldn't see or hear anyone. And then, before I could react I was shoved to the wall, my head snapping back and leaving a dent in the stone. "How dare you!" Klaus screamed as he crushed my neck to the stone. I tried to push him off but he wasn't playing around, he wasn't holding back. "How dare you defy me! You could have ruined everything!" He was crushing my esophagus and while it would of course not kill me, it was not in any ways a pleasant feeling. In any other situation I would have been able to hold my own but after the run I had made the day before I couldn't fight back as strongly.

"Niklaus! What in Bloody Hell?!" Rebekah yelled as she ran to him and tried to pry his arm away but he would not budge. "ELIJAH!" I heard her scream for help but the words only sounded fuzzy as I slipped in and out of consciousness. I hadn't felt that powerless in years and it scared me. It reminded me of my childhood. It reminded me of Mikael.

I don't know how long passed before I was released but when did I slumped towards the floor gasping for breath. But before I could hit the ground someone caught me, Davina. I felt tears in my eyes as I gasped for breath but I willed them to stay. I couldn't show weakness, not to Klaus. Looking up I saw both Elijah and Rebecca struggling to hold each of Klaus' arms back with Marcel stood in front of him.

"Calm down, Niklaus!" Elijah tried to defuse the situation but it only did the opposite. As if that triggered him even more, he was able to break through the three's hold and run at me. I closed my eyes and waited for the blow but it never came.

I opened my eyes to see Davina's hand extended out in front of me, Klaus frozen in place meters away. "You will not touch her." She growled protectively as she held me to her body and then with the flick of her wrist snapped Klaus' neck. Everyone stood in shock not sure how to respond to the witch who had so easily just sent an original hybrid into unconsciousness. But the even more shocking thing was her eyes which had turned a clear blue. My siblings, Hayley, Marcel, and many by-standing vampires stared in amazement but Davina paid no attention to them. It was as if she were in a trance as she held me in her arms tightly.

Rebekah took a step forward towards us but Davina quickly held her hand up about to unleash the same power that she had just taken down with Klaus but I grabbed her arm gently. She wasn't being herself. "Davina," I mumbled. Still not moving her arm she looked down at me concerned. "She's not gonna hurt me." I promised. Davina looked back up at Rebekah who was waiting for her to put her arm down so that she could reach us as everyone else purely waited in anticipation. "I promise." I added. Suddenly, the strange blue in Davina's eyes began to flicker back until her eyes were brown again. She shook her head a bit finally recovering from her daze.

"I-I'm sorry." She said as Rebekah approached us and knelt down.

Rebekah nodded while still watching Davina wearily, "It's okay. I'm going to take Ember to her room. She needs to heal." And with that my elder sister lifted me into her arms and whooshed me away from the girl who had just saved my life.

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