Chapter 11

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I know it's been awhile but after a lot of encouragement from you guys I am continuing this.

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Davina P.O.V.

When Rebekah took Ember away I wanted to follow, I needed to follow. Something deep in my gut clenched telling me that I needed to watch over her until she could protect herself again. But as I stood up and saw Klaus laying unconscious on the floor with his head bent at an inhuman angle a wave of anger hit me. I knew how I was going to protect her. I took a step toward the immortal hybrid but Marcel stopped me. "D, are you okay?"

"Does it matter to you?" I asked as I shoved passed him but he just vamp sped back in front of me.

"Of course it matters to me. Your eyes just turned blue!" He said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't." I commanded him, "Don't do this to me. You left me to die."

"Davina, no. I would never. I was on my way to take you away when Ember left. I was going to save you." he tried to say but I interrupted him.

"Stop. Don't lie to me. I know who you are loyal to... Klaus." I growled.

"D, no I-"

"No! I don't want to hear it! All you are is Klaus' little lap dog!" I yelled at him.

"I'm not. Davina, how can I prove this to you?" He begged.

I couldn't believe him. Why wouldn't he just understand that I did not and would not trust him, but in the meantime he was just a barrier keeping me from protecting Ember and I needed to pass him, "Fine, you wanna prove it. Handle him." I said pointing to Klaus, "When he wakes up, make it very clear that if he ever touches his sister again I will find a way to make him wish he wasn't immortal."

"W-What?" he asked.

"You heard me. make it clear to him." I restated.

It took him a second but he eventually nodded his head, "Okay."

"Good." I said before I turned around and began to walk away but he stopped me with another question.

"Why are you so infatuated with Ember?" He asked.

I stopped for a second. I wasn't even sure of the answer myself but as naturally as I have ever said anything, not even sure what it meant, I said, "Because I am her's and she is mine." And although I didn't understand it, I knew it was right.

Third Person P.O.V.

"What happened to you?" That was the first thing Niklaus heard when his eyes shot open and he sucked in a heavy breath that he didn't need. With a sudden jolt of alertness he shot up and took a fighting stance.

But when he looked around the only one around was Marcellus."Where is she?" He growled, not even acknowledging the younger vampire's presence. "I'm going to rip her limb from bloody fucking limb!"

"Jesus, Klaus." Marcellus sighed. When Rebekah had told him that Klaus was more irritated and manic than usual now that Ember was home he'd believed her but he hadn't imagined this. Klaus was something more than his usual paranoid self.

"Where is she?!" he shouted. His eyes were a wolf yellow and his fangs protruded his mouth.

Marcel stared at Klaus in annoyance. "Look at you! Your little sister saved the god damn city and you wanna rip her throat out. You should be giving her a fucking medal. She saved us."

"She saved us." Klaus huffed with an exasperated laugh. "No, she saved that witch! She left us! She left us here to watch the city crumble to the ground."

Marcel looked Klaus in the eyes trying to get him to listen, "But it didn't. She saved Davina before the city could be destroyed. She saved us all."

"She didn't know the city would be okay and you know that! She did it to undermine me! Her own blood! And all because what?"

This was ridiculous. Klaus was a paranoid psychopath that Marcel had been dealing with. He had been kind when Klaus came back. Welcoming even. He really had. And Klaus took advantage of that. But he couldn't just hold his tongue anymore. Marcel was doing it all in the sense of family but now he was seeing the truth. Klaus wasn't family. Davina was better family to him than Klaus and yet Klaus pushed her away from him too! He had been running the french quarter for the past century! This was his life! This was his city! And Klaus had the disrespect to come back and destroy everything he had worked to build. Marcel wasn't going to hold his tongue any longer. "Shut the fuck up Klaus!"

"Excuse me! Wha-"

"No!" Marcel interrupted, "Shut the fuck up, you selfish fucking psychopath! I'm not gonna listen to you or your bullshit anymore. You for once in your fucking life are going to listen to me! Tonight Ember saved the city! Maybe she did risk New Orleans in the process but look around, everyones still here! But that shouldn't even matter to you anyway, Klaus! This is my city! Mine! It's none of your concern so why don't you focus on your wolf girl and little Klaus jr. and abandon another one of your sons!"

	There was silence as Klaus stared at Marcel

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There was silence as Klaus stared at Marcel. His face was stone solid not letting any sign of what he was thinking slip through. And for a fraction of a second Marcel regretted what he had said but his anger quickly reassured his conscience. He was mad at Klaus for good reason. And then, like that, Klaus sped out the room without a word.


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