Chapter 3

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Rebekah and I agreed to finish our reunion later as she had something to show Davina. Curiously, I tagged along with them to an old cellar under the foyer. I looked around at the walls that were only illuminated by a dim light. Plastered into the walls by cement were desiccating vampires that groaned in agony for blood.

"You think my brother, Nik, is awful? Marcel learned from the best. This is how he treats his so-called friends that betray him. Most of what these poor souls did is no worse than what Josh did." Rebekah said to Davina.

"This is insane." The boy named Tim mumbled.

"Why are you telling me this?" Davina asked Rebekah.

"Because you need to know who you're dealing with. Who you can trust." Rebekah responded.

Davina looked around the cellar again with a look on her face I had seen all too many times in my victims' eyes... Fear.

"Hey, hey. It's going to be okay." Tim said walking over to her, "I mean you're going to be okay. Here, drink this." He said handing her his water bottle to calm her nerves. She took a sip of it and nodded at him in thanks.

"Davina, both you and I have been lied to and taken advantage of by Marcel and Klaus. Maybe together we can get a little payback." Rebekah continued when suddenly Tim started to cough. His coughs soon turned into desperate gasps for air as he fell to the floor. Davina and Josh kneeled beside him confused.

"Tim?" Davina asked with fear prominent in her voice.

"It was Klaus he made me do it. He made me make you." He wheezed out.

"Made her do what?" I asked.

"Drink." He gasped before collapsing completely and shutting his eyes. Suddenly Davina began to Gasp and wheeze, as well.

I quickly picked up the water bottle and sniffed it. With my werewolf senses I could smell the faint pungent stench of poison.

"Klaus poisoned them." I told Rebekah as she pulled out her phone to call Klaus.

"Rebekah, where are you?" I heard my brother speak over the phone.

"I'm with Davina, and she is dying because of your treachery" She responded angrily.

"Well, I tried to talk to her out of respect for Marcel, but she made it quite clear she is not our friend. My apologies if you thought she was yours."

"Just tell me how to cure her. Vampire blood isn't working." She said as Josh attempted to feed her blood from his wrist.

"No. It wouldn't," Klaus replied calmly, "You see the poison I compelled Timothy to feed her is quite potent. It's just a matter of time for her."

"For both of them you diabolical bastard. They're children." She said before pausing and locking eyes with me, "They're no older then our sister."

The other side of the line was silent as Nik probably thought of what to say when he didn't respond I decided I would intervene. I grabbed the phone from Rebekah, "Brother, I would love to have a nice over the phone reunion but I am afraid we don't have much time. Tell me how to cure Davina or so help me god I will rip out you're heart and feed it to the wolves." I said simply. I don't know why but I had gained a certain respect for the young witch and as much as people may not believe, I don't always enjoy deaths... Only sometimes.

"Ember." Niklaus breathed out.

"Yes, it is me brother. Now tell me how to cure them." I said annoyed.

"There is none." He said emotionless before hanging up.

Rebekah and I looked at each other almost positive of the girls fate as she slowly closed her eyes, her breathing hitched, and her heart stopped beating. She was dead.

There was silence in the cellar as we stared at the young witch and her friend in pity but the silence was soon broken by the sound of Rebekah's phone getting a text.

"It's from Niklaus." She said confused before reading it and looking up, "He says there's a protection spell on her. She'll be okay."

Josh let out a relieved breath at the words but I still had a question, "What about the boy?"

Rebekah just shook her head 'no' and I sighed sadly. I wasn't really sad that Tim had died. I didn't know him, but I knew what it was like to loose your first true love and it seemed he was Davina's.

Davina suddenly gasped and shot up she didn't even take a breath before she said Tim's name."Tim? Tim? No, Tim. Wake up! Wake up, please!" She cried to him but he wasn't going to wake up. He was dead and there was no changing that.

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