Chapter 8

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(Taking it back to good old Mystic Falls just for a little though.)

I knew my siblings and I knew what they had in mind. Davina did not have long if she stayed in that household and while I couldn't exactly understand my feelings or why I had them I knew that I could not just leave Davina there to die.

I went back to her room at the abattoir to find two vampires standing guard at her bedside. They stared me down as I walked up to her and pulled out her I.V. while lifting her into my arms. "Hey. Klaus said not too." They began but before they could continue I snapped their necks.

"I've never listened to what Klaus has said." I growled as I left the room. There was only one type of witch that I knew that could help me, a Bennet witch.

Mystic Falls was very different from when I last had been there over a century before, that I could tell, but I didn't have time for reminiscing. The girl in my arms was growing worse and after hours of being subjected to vamp speeding I didn't know how much longer she would last. Back in New Orleans the entire quarter must have been flooding by then and sure enough all eyes were out searching for both Davina and I. However, I doubted they would ever find us here, almost a thousand miles away.

Despite never meeting this witch I had kept tabs on her. The Bennet witches were an exceptionally strong line of witches and I knew that one day knowing there whereabouts would do to me a great service. However, I didn't expect that day to come when some one other than myself was on their death bed.

This witch's name was Bonnie Bennet and she had quite a history with the rest of my family and not a necessarily great one. I reached her house and quickly knocked on the door. Within ten excruciatingly long seconds the door was opened revealing who could only be her. Her ancestral similarities were quite astounding.

Before she could speak I began, "My name is Ember Mikaelsson, and I need your help."

Bonnie Bennet stared at me in shock as she registered everything, "Oh my god."

"I know it is a lot to take in and I know that you have much tension with the rest of my family, but I need the magic of a Bennet witch now or else there will undoubtedly be death and disaster. Please, save her."

"What- I- Who- I don't- Why should I even help you?" She asked trying to find the right words, or any words for that matter.

"Because, she's a witch like you. A young one. A young and innocent one. And she needs help." I begged. "I have no mal intentions for you or your town, I just want to save her. I beg of you."

Bonnie took a second still very much in shock. "O-okay. But after I save her I want an explanation." she demanded.

"I give you my word." I said unintentionally mimicking Elijah.

"Okay, hurry, come in." She ushered. I quickly followed her as she led me to a living room and had me lay Davina down on the floor.

"She has too much power." I explained, "She was supposed to be a sacrifice for a ritual but after being saved, all of the magic of 7 covens was transferred into her. Now that magic wants out."

"Okay, okay." Bonnie mumbled with her eyes closed as she thought. "I'm going to transfer some of her magic to something else. An object. I need something with meaning to her ancestors,"

Davina's face began to turn red as she sweat, her eyes opening slightly, "Em- Ember?" She mumbled confused.

"Yes Davina, it is alright. You are going to be alright." I tried to reassure her as her head lay in my lap.

I quickly looked up at Bonnie who spoke to her, "Hey, Davina, is it?" She asked as calmly as possible, "I'm going to help you, but I need something from you. Do you have an heirloom from someone in your family? Maybe a piece of jewelry?"

Davina closed her eyes for a second as if processing the words. She clearly was struggling to keep her thoughts straight in her state. "My- my pendant." She muttered out as her eyes began to close. I quickly pulled off her necklace and handed it to Bonnie.

Suddenly my phone began to ring. I quickly answered to a yelling Klaus. "Where in bloody hell is she!"

"Safe from you." I growled. As Bonnie began to mumble into the necklace.

"By god, Ember. The quarter is in shambles. The ritual must be completed." He yelled at me.

"Over my dead body," I yelled back before hanging up again. When seconds later he called again I threw the phone against the wall with all my strength making a dent in it and shattering the device into a hundred little pieces.

"Em-Ember," Davina mumbled, "Everything burns."

"It's okay, Davina." I said holding her, "You are going to be fine."

Davina began to shake uncontrollably as Bonnie's chanting got louder and louder, "Bus magicae ad ligaturam cucurreris. Bus magicae ad ligaturam cucurreris. Bus magicae ad ligaturam cucurreris." And in that moment I was sure that Davina was going to die, there, in my arms, just like Cecilia. And for the first time since then I shed a tear. It wasn't for Davina, nor for Cecilia and certainly not for me. I wasn't crying for anyone. I was crying for fate. Cruel, cruel fate.

And then, there was silence. No more chanting. No more shaking. Just still silence. Davina lay flat on the floor, with Bonnie and I looking down at her, waiting, waiting for anything. And just when I believed all hope was lost and all my efforts had been in vain, Davina Claire awoke. Davina Claire lived.

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