Chapter 15

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Third Person P.O.V.

Elijah and Rebekah walked side by side down the streets of the French Quarter at a casual pace but the conversation that they were having at hand was anything but. Conversations between any of the Original siblings rarely were casual in truth.

"Now, you may doubt him, but today, I saw Niklaus demonstrate mercy towards an enemy. Tell me that's not progress." Elijah argued in favor of his brother. Elijah wanted to believe Niklaus was changing even after everything that had happened with Ember.

"Please, Elijah." Rebekah scoffed, "Who do you think convinced Klaus to let Thierry out?"

"Why would you do such a thing?" Elijah asked in astonishment.

"Because, despite Klaus' reprieve, Thierry despises him." Rebekah responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I like that about Thierry. I also like that he used to date a witch, so he knows about French Quarter covens. Maybe he can lead me to whoever stole off with the Harvest magic."

Elijah sighed, "Rebekah, we are all frustrated by the outcome of this ritual."

The eldest female original stopped him before he could continue, "That's just it. There was no outcome. When we were in Mystic Falls I visited the Bennet witch. After a bit of threatening she explained exactly what she did to Davina's magic. She transferred just enough magic out of Davina and into her pennant to save her."

"Yes, I already knew that." Elijah sighed, "What are you getting at?"

"Well that's it Elijah. She didn't transfer all of the power. Only enough to save her. And yet Davina no longer holds the power of the harvest girls at all. We both know that power like that doesn't just vanish. I say someone stole it. I'd like to know who, and then I'd like to make an ally out of them." The point Rebekah made was true.

"To what end exactly?" Elijah asked already knowing the answer but still wishing not to hear it.

Rebekah stopped walking and turned around in front of Elijah, "I'm tired of being threatened and controlled by our tyrant brother. If you want to stop a bully, you need the power to stand up to them."

Elijah sighed. "I expect such behavior from Niklaus. It's so very disappointing when it comes from you, Rebekah. Do you not see that, in his way, he's making an effort here? He's invited us back into our family home. He yearns for our family to be reunited."

"Yes. He's in a brilliant mood now, but for how long? It's his trick, Elijah. He lulls you into a false sense of camaraderie and kinship, and then he turns on you like a snake. Look at what he did to Ember after she saved the city. Instead of thanking her he crushed her windpipe and broke her clavicle in three places. And me, I fall for his changes every time and wind up with a dagger in my chest for my trouble. No more."

Elijah was quiet for a moment knowing all to well that the past was there to prove Rebekah right. But Elijah wanted to believe Klaus was changing. He needed to for the sake of the family both today and tomorrow, "I believe that he is approaching some semblance of peace here. Leadership may, in fact, be a good thing for him. Now, sister, please, I ask you, if you cannot support him, then at least do nothing to provoke him."

Rebekah stared at Elijah for only a moment before shaking her head in disappointment and leaving her elder brother to stew in his impossible dreams.

Another call sent straight to voicemail. That was all Elijah got when he called the eldest of his two sisters. "Rebekah is not answering her calls." He said to Hayley, worry hinted in his cool tone.

"And would that truly be out of character for her, brother?" Ember butted in as she entered the compound.

"Hello sister." Elijah smiled though still worried. "It's good to see you up and about again."

Ember smiled back and gave her eldest living brother a short hug. "So what has got you so worried about our sister?"

"An anonymous witch killed a pair of daywalkers. And now Rebekah has gone AWOL." Hayley explained.

"Frankly, I'm worried that she had something to do with this. She's very displeased with Niklaus, perhaps even conspiring with others." Elijah explained. As he spoke he noticed Thierry, the newly pardoned vampire, and Rebekah's secret accomplice sitting at a table in the corner of the compound. He was downing his drink hurriedly, anyone could tell that something had spooked him.

Elijah made his way over to the table, "Thierry is it?"

Ember noticed Thierry visibly gulp. "That's right."

"My sister is rather fond of you. Strange, she's not typically drawn to unremarkable men. Would you care to explain your sudden magnetism?" Elijah sassed.

"I don't know what you're-" before Thierry could finish his sentence Elijah was holding him up by the throat. He had no time to play games.

Ember grinned. She liked it when Elijah got violent. "Now you can either tell me what you know, or I can distribute tiny pieces of you throughout the Quarter."

"She asked me to keep an eye out on witch stuff." Thierry stuttered out. "I found something, and when I showed her, we were jumped by some guy. He desiccated her with his touch."

"So you left her. Like a coward." Ember spoke with disgust in her voice. She hated cowards.

"What was I supposed to do," he tried to reason. "fight some warlock that took out an Original?"

"Where was this exactly?" Hayley asked.

"The docks, warehouse 57. I was just doing what she asked. You cannot tell Klaus about this." he begged.

Ember scoffed, "If anything happened to our sister, Klaus' wrath will be the least of your problems." Ember growled and without a thought Elijah snapped Thierry's neck.

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