Chapter 5

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Ember p.o.v.

I woke up the next morning around and walked downstairs into the main sitting room. I thought no one was awake until I heard the fridge open. Curiously, I walked into the kitchen to find Davina digging through the refrigerator.

"Looking for something in particular?" I asked startling her. She looked up to see me sitting on the counter casually.

"What are you doing up?" She asked.

"I'm a vampire. A creature of the night. I have no regular sleeping pattern. What about you?" I asked.

"I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. But all Klaus seems to have is blood bags." She said sighing.

"Oh there is no way those are my brothers. He prefers to drink straight from the vein." I smirked.

"Well, unfortunately I don't drink blood at all." Davina said annoyed.

"Well, you could always go to a restaurant." I suggested.

She forced out a laugh, "Every witch in the quarter wants to kill me. Remind me again why that's a good idea?" She said before mumbling, "Besides, Marcel would kill me."

"Marcel? You're worried about his opinion? Remind me again why you said, and I quote, 'maybe I should boil you in bronze.'"

She rolled her eyes at my comment.

"Look, you're obviously mad at him. Why not be a rebel a little? You don't have to listen to him." I tried to convince her.

"That still doesn't take away the issue of the coven of witches who are so desperate to see me dead." She reminded me.

"Really, the other witches? You're the most powerful witch in New Orleans. I'm pretty sure you can protect yourself." I said as I hopped down from the counter, "besides, I'll go with you."

"You wanna come with me?" She asked confused.

"Why is that so shocking?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just..." she started but was not quite sure how to finish her sentence.

"So are you coming with me or not?" I said going back to the original subject. There was a second of silence before she slowly nodded her head, "good, because I'm famished."

"I do love these lollipops. No matter how many I have I just can't seem to get enough. It's nice to have it to contrast blood, especially type A" I spoke as I sucked on the sweet treat I had bought at the counter for a nickel. Davina looked like she didn't now how to respond so I decided to change the subject. "So, Davina Claire, what's your backstory?"

"Backstory?" She asked confused.

"Yes." I responded.

"You already know my backstory. I was a harvest girl and now I-" she started but I interrupted her.

"No, no, no. Not that story. That's the climax. I want to hear the backstory." I said. She gave me a confused look. "Here, let me show you. My name is Ember Mikaelson. I was born in the 10th century to my mother Esther and my my werewolf father. All my human life I believed a man name Mikael was my father and once he found out he wasn't my father he made it his life's goal to kill me and my brother Klaus. Speaking of siblings I have 6. They are Rebekah, Kol, Finn, Elijah, Henrik, and Klaus. Three of this 6 are dead, though. And that's my backstory." I said casually, "your turn."

Davina looked taken aback but soon spoke up, "I was born 16 years ago I never knew my dad. My mom raised me. I have no siblings." She said.

"Hmm." I mumbled, "how bland."

"Well, it's hard to top yours." She mumbled.

"True, true." I mumbled, "So, your mother. What's of her now?"

"She's dead." She said perking my interest, "Marcel killed her during the harvest."

"And you hold no resentment to him for that?"

Davina was silent for a second before responding "She deserved it." And leaving it at that.

It wasn't until our food came that I noticed the man a few booths down staring at us.

"Don't look but behind you is a man, mid thirties, staring at you. Blonde hair, goatee, blue eyes, wearing tacky 'ironic' clothing. Is he a witch you know by chance?"

Davina froze up but slowly nodded. I smirked, "Well then, please allow me." I said as I put my lollipop back in my mouth and casually got up and walked over to him. When I got to the table I didn't even look at me, but rather straight forward like the prick he was. "I'll give you one chance to walk out of this diner with all you're limbs intact."

"I'm not afraid of vampires." He laughed.

I let out a laugh as well, "Then good thing I'm not a vampire."

He looked me dead in the eyes before smirking and saying, "Then what are you?"

I smiled in response and looked around to make sure no one was watching, "Your worst nightmare."

I smirked stabbing him through the heart with my lollipop stick. He gasped his last breath as I twisted the stick further into his heart. It wasn't until he stopped breathing completely that I pulled it out and licked it, the fresh blood mixing with the sweet sugar.

 It wasn't until he stopped breathing completely that I pulled it out and licked it, the fresh blood mixing with the sweet sugar

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I  returned to Davina who looked a bit horrified 

"We should probably go before his friends arrive." I said looking around. Davina nodded in response and we left.

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