Chapter 2

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I ran to the Abattoir in search of a known face and when I got there that is exactly what I found. My two brothers, Niklaus and Elijah, stood with a man I haven't seen for as long as my siblings, Marcel. They were having a conversation about a young witch who I could only presume to be Davina. I had kept up to date with what was going on.

I quickly hid behind a pillar as I listened to them. I decided to wait for Rebecca before making my 'Grand Entrance'. I continued to watch as a girl who looked not much older then my appearance gave off entered.

"Davina." I whispered to myself.

Soon enough Davina was torturing Elijah. She made blood pour out of his mouth as he choked, "Hmm, clever." I mumbled to myself.

I know what you're thinking, 'That's your brother! Why aren't you reacting.' To be honest the thought of helping him didn't even cross my mind. We are Originals. We have been through so much worse.

Next was Klaus. I smirked imagining what his torture would be then smirked even more when I saw her forcing him to turn. I can personally assure you that turning is not a fun thing to do. It looked even worse as it was done to him in a matter of seconds. Lastly there was Marcel.

"When you lost to Klaus, you handed me over like some trophy. Maybe I should boil you in bronze." Davina challenged.

"I care. I took you in like you were my own blood." He pleaded/

I could see Davina's eyes soften and for a second I thought Marcel had gotten to her but before she could respond Marcel was stabbed. Not through the heart but the chest none the less. He fell to the ground to reveal Rebecca standing behind him with a stake. I smiled. She hadn't changed a bit.

"Come on now, love. Don't tell me you were falling for that. Isn't it time for us girls to have a chat? Now, that is impressive, and well-deserved, in my opinion. Now, before you turn on me, I have a surprise for you." My sister smirked.

Then out came a vampire, newly turned in fact. Rebekah sped over to him and held him up by the throat.

"What are you doing?" He gasped as he flailed.

"Now, if I were Klaus, I would rip Josh's head from his neck, feed it to a nightwalker, and that would be the end of your friend." She reasoned," But hurting people is such a boyish thing to do, like how Klaus compelled your fiddler on the roof, and, while I am many things, I'm certainly not my brother. It's ok, Timothy. You can come down. No one is gonna hurt you."

"He told me I couldn't climb down off this beam." The boy muttered

"Then don't climb, silly." Rebekah laughed opening her arms. "Am I the only smart one in the room. Jump."

Davina and Tim had there little reunion but as they hugged she pulled away in a daze.

"Davina, what's wrong?" she asked

After a second Davina responded, "Someone's here.I can sense it. A vampire... No a werewolf... No their too strong to be either."

Rebekah nodded knowingly, "A hybrid."

'Damn' I thought to myself.

I quickly ran up the stairs so fast that they couldn't see my face, just a blur. Rebekah followed but not nearly as fast as me. I made quick turns trying to find the exit. My memory of the Abattoir wasn't very strong. Finally, I found the door and my sister was lost behind but as soon as I left an immense wave of pain traveled through my body. I screamed out as I realized what was happening, Davina was forcing me to turn and sure enough, there she was standing behind me. I fell to the ground with a scream. The change was happening to quickly. My bones started to break and then reform in other shapes. My spine started to curl and I struggled to keep consciousness. As I screamed I lost sense of everything. All I felt was pain.

"Who are you?" Davina demanded.

I continued to scream.

"I said who are you?!" she repeated even louder

She sped the change up even more and the pain increased to a level unimaginable.

"Who is that?" Rebekah questioned.

I suppose she couldn't see my face.

"That's what I'm trying to find out." Davina replied.

She increased the speed yet again to the point that I could not even scream anymore.

"If she's not going to talk I'll make her." My sister growled.

Davina gave a small nod and Rebeca came forward and turned me on my back when she gasped in surprise.

"Wait! Stop!" She yelled to Davina. Confused, Davina withdrew the spell she was performing on me and the pain immediately was terminated. 


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"Ember." She murmured.

"Hello, big sister." I groaned.

"Wait? Sister? As in your sister?" Davina asked.

Rebeca ignored her as a look came across her face that I could not read. At first I thought maybe she was angry with me for not coming into contact with her but the bone crushing hug she gave after proved me wrong.

"Ember, you're back." She said as she pulled away to look at me.

"And here to stay." I said with a smile.

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