Chapter 7

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Davina lay still, her face pale and caked with sweat. She was in a deep sleep after everything that had happened. Klaus and Marcellus went to find a witch, Sophie or something, to understand what was happening. I had volunteered to guard Davina until they came back. It wasn't a bother in all honesty. No newly turned vampire would bother me here.

They had become quite annoying in fact. There's something about young vampires that makes them do and say the dumbest of things. Earlier when a vampire of only 20 years said that he could overpower me to his friends while he assumed I was not listening I had my hand grasping his heart before he could blink. I could have pulled it out and just ended the poor excuse of a man but then I would have to listen to Marcellus's bickering and complaining and I really wasn't in the mood.

Suddenly a familiar whoosh was heard. "Hello Rebekah." I said not raising my eyes from the book I was reading.

"Hello, little one." Rebeca responded.

I rolled my eyes, "I thought that name was given up centuries ago."

"You thought wrong." she smiled taking the book from my hands so I would look at her. "I have not had the chance to speak to you yet."

"About?" I asked though already knowing the answer.

"Where you've been for the last century." She said.

"Does it matter?" I snapped back. I immediately regretted it realizing I was being too harsh. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." she nodded her head.

"No, it's not." I sighed.

"You're my sister

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"You're my sister. You deserve an explanation."

Rebekah nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder, "And I'll get one when you are ready to give it to me."

I hugged her tightly, "Thank you, Beks"

"Of course." She smiled as we pulled away, "Now, how's the little witch."

I looked down at Davina concerned, "Not well. Quite a pity, too. I like this witch."

"I do too. She has fire." Rebekah agreed. "But fire is dangerous."

I smirked. "In that case this city should have burned ten times over when or family set foot in it."

Rebekah smiled, "Well, hasn't it?"

"No. Not while I have ruled it." A voice said from the doorway.

"Well hello Klaus." I muttered rolling my yes as he stepped in. In his hand was a small vile and after taking a whiff of the air my wolf senses told me it was a sedative.

"Klaus what in bloody hell do you plan on doing with that?" I growled.

"Well dear sister, I plan on fixing our little witch problem." He smiled.

"Don't you dare." I growled standing up.

"Since when did you become so caring, little sister." Klaus said, one eyebrow raised.

I ignored his question and continued, "Don't. Touch. Her."

"Well, then, what do you propose we do?" he asked annoyed.

"I don't know, how about not sedating the sixteen year old girl." I said taking a step towards him.

"If I don't she will burn this city down. My city." He growled.

I was about to argue. When a weak voice came from behind me, "What- what's going on?" I turned to see Davina looking at us. There was a moment of silence before Klaus lunged but he was evenly matched. I slammed him to the wall before he could touch her. Then he pushed me off of him and onto the floor but I refused to give up that easily. I shot of the floor and delivered a punch to his face and then a kick to his chest, sending him crashing through the wall.

"STAY DOWN!" I yelled at him but of course he didn't. Klaus never did. He pushed himself up and was about to attack again before stopping and smirking at something behind me. 

Confused, I turned to see Rebekah standing over an unconscious Davina, the syringe sticking out of her arm

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Confused, I turned to see Rebekah standing over an unconscious Davina, the syringe sticking out of her arm.

"Rebekah- How could you?" I asked in shock. I could see Klaus doing this, yes, but Bekah? Not to someone I cared about.

"I had to, Ember." She responded with sorry eyes but I didn't care.

"You didn't have to do anything." I hissed.

"Ember," I turned to see Elijah behind me in the doorway. "This is not only keeping the quarter safe but her as well. This power is literally tearing her apart. It's for her own good."

I looked around angrily, before rushing out of the room, and out of the quarter.

I found myself in a local park. Parents were out with their children, pushing them on the swings and chatting away mindlessly. Lovers sat by the fountain enjoying the suns rays and the presence of each other. I could feel tears begin to pool in my eyes. But why? Why did I care so much about this girl. She meant nothing to me. She was nothing! Why was this happening? I hadn't felt like this since Cecilia, my beautiful Cecilia. The girl who died in my arms. The girl I loved. And I sure as hell didn't love Davina. Not like Cecilia. Never like Cecilia. I never could. But Cecilia was gone. And my life would never be the same.

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