Chapter 12

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Davina P.O.V.

After leaving Marcel I made my way up the stairs. With each step I calmed more and more down. What had just happened? Why was my heart beating so fast. It felt as if part of my mind had just woken up. Why had I just acted the way I did. How did I just act the way I did.

There was a clenching in my stomach. I didn't want Ember to die, yeah. But that didn't explain the feeling I had. There was more there than just wanting to save her. The thought of her was encompassing me.

When I reached the room I opened the door to find Rebekah sitting on the bed next to Ember brushing her hair back. The younger original was out cold. It was strange to see Rebekah so gentle with someone. Almost off-putting

"So little witch. What was that stunt?" She asked not looking up from her sister.

I ignored Rebekah. She was just like Klaus and Marcel. The short lived 'loyalty' she had promised me ended when she stabbed me with a sedative. So much for girls sticking together. "Ahh. So you're just going to ignore me." she asked as I sat down in a chair in the corner. "Very well be that way." She went back to stroking her sisters cheek. I watched her with caution. Her hands hovered over her sisters neck multiple times. If she wanted to do any harm to Ember, than this would be the time.

"Rebekah wouldn't hurt her, right?" I thought to myself. And as if on cue the veins in the original vampire's eyes emerged and her fangs appeared as she pulled her sister towards her.

"DON'T!" I was in the stance to cast an attack spell before my mind could even acknowledge the what was happening. All I felt was adrenaline and the need to protect. Rebekah set Ember down immediately laughing. "Well of all the ones who have become infatuated with Ember, I have to say I am quite impressed with you." Rebekah said through fits of laughter

"Wha-what?" It was a test. She wasn't going to hurt her. She just wanted to see my reaction. My confusion suddenly turned to anger as I realized she was just playing with me. "You're despicable." I growled.

Suddenly all laughter stopped and she was in front of me. "Despicable? I'd watch your tongue, Love." The playful gleam in Rebekah's eye from only moments ago was gone. "Understand one thing, little witch. I look out for my family, especially my little sister. If it wasn't for her I would snap your neck for speaking to me like that." I gulped. I mean, sure. I probably could take her but after what happened earlier I was feeling much weaker. My magic was nothing like it was earlier "But for some reason Ember seems to like you and that does not happen often. She's the only reason you haven't died multiple times this week I guess." Rebekah smirked down at me and snickered before walking casually out of the room. She stopped in the doorway for one second though. "If you break her heart, Davina Claire, I'll rip your's out." And with that Rebekah Mikaelson was gone.

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