Chapter 13

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Ember's P.O.V. Dream

"Run! Run! He's going to get you!" Kol yells through the brush. I don't know where he is but I don't have the time to stop and look. He's going to get me if I stop. I speed up and dart into the forrest hoping to lose my assailant in the crowds of trees. I'm fast for a twelve year old girl, faster than every other girl in my village. It doesn't matter, though. Chasing me is no child, he is a man. My legs are heavy and my lungs burn but still I propel myself over the fallen trees and rotting logs that stand as obstacles for me. I must keep going. I must escape him. I've run for miles. I can stop. Sinking to my knees has never felt so good. My eyes close and my body relaxes.

"Oh so you thought I had lost you, did you?" And suddenly I'm being lifted into the air by two strong arms.

I'm laughing. "Put me down, Niklaus! Put me down!"

"No. Not until I hear you say it." My brother laughs, "Admit it. I am a better hunter than you are a runner."

"Alright. Alright. You are a better hunter than I am a runner." I sigh with a smile. "Now put me down."

"Wait." he says tapping his cheek with his finger. He's not letting me down.

I huff and give him a peck on the cheek. "There."

"Thank you very much." he sets me down smiling and I glare at him. I can't for very long though. I can't be angry with Niklaus. He understands me more than anyone, even Rebekah.

"Come along." he says putting an arm around my shoulder. It's getting dark and I'm not quite sure where in the woods we are. Suddenly I'm thankful that Niklaus did find me. He always knows the way home. "You did run far. I'll give you that." he smirked ruffling my hair.

It's been a half hour of walking and I finally see the communal fire from our village. Standing around it is everyone from the village. Tatia, the girl both Elijah and Niklaus fancy, is talking to Rebekah with some of the other older girls. Elijah and Kol are playing a strategy game of some sort with pebbles on the other side of the fire as Henrik watches. And Finn is helping mother prepare dinner. Everyone seems so happy. There's music coming from somewhere and the air is filled with lively voices. I love this.

"Where in the hell of the Gods have you two been?" Mikael growls. Both Niklaus and I turn. There is father glaring at us.

Niklaus' eyes widen. "In the woods."

"Why were you in the woods?" he asks. His voice is ice cold. Niklaus is nervous. I know it.

I take a breath. "We were just jokin-" The ground rushes towards me and I hit the dirt with a thud. My cheek stings. Someone stopped playing the music.

"I wasn't speaking to you, girl." Mikael growls. Everyone is looking.

"Don't touch her!" Niklaus isn't scared any more.

He takes a step towards father but father is quicker. He steps back and unsheathes his sword pointing it straight at Niklaus. "Or what?" Niklaus doesn't respond. He stares at father. Everyone stares at father. "What? What will you do, boy?!" he yells.

There is nothing Niklaus can do. He wants to make father stop this madness. He wants to hurt father. He wants to kill father. But he can't. He takes a step away from father and leans down to where I lay on the ground.

He helps me sit up "Are you alright, Ember?" Niklaus asks. Everyone is looking at us but if he notices he is pretending not to. With his help I lean back on my arms and nod. I want to cry but I will not. I do not want cry in front of father anymore.

A jolt of pain shoots up my left arm and I suddenly see red. The sound is sickening. Like when mother breaks the neck of chickens for dinner, but louder. Much louder. My bone is cracked. The pain is excruciating. I turn, father removes his heavy boot from my crushed arm and walks away.

Everyone is staring. Tatia is holding Bekah as she shields her eyes. Henrik is shaking in terror. Elijah, Finn, and Kol are wide eyed and shocked. I think I even see tears in their eyes. Niklaus is frozen as he stares at my bloody arm. His eyes are watery and within seconds a tear has fallen. Niklaus is crying and my eyes sting. I do not want to cry in front of father anymore but what I want does not matter. I cry.


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