Chapter 17

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Davina arrived as Ember lit her third Mirkwood cigarette, one of the few vampire substances that gave her a buzz.

Ember looked down shamefully, not able to meet her eyes, a rare occurrence for the naturally confident ancient. The pair stood in silence for a few seconds, neither seeming to know how to break the tension.

Before either had the ability to translate their thoughts to their tongues, Elijah appeared from behind the warehouse door.

"You're here, good. She's just inside this way." He said before disappearing back inside.

Davina took a step to follow but Ember shot her hand out and caught Davina by the wrist. Ember didn't miss the small gasp that escaped the young witch's lips. A twinge of guilt flushed over the hybrid for scaring her but she needed to get a word in before they went in there.

"You don't have to do this." She said loosening her grip.

"I know," Davina responded furrowing her eyebrows. She would be lying if she said the thought of how stupidly dangerous her actions were hadn't crossed her mind on the way over here. In fact, it had crossed her mind multiple times since the last time she and Ember had been together that her rejecting her may have been a good thing. It certainly was probably safer for her. Sticking by the side of an Original Hybrid couldn't be the most stable life choice. But those thoughts were always quickly replaced by the insufferable yearning she had for said girl.

Besides she was always in danger, at least right now it was voluntary.

Ember, surprised by the curt response, finally looked up to make eye contact with the girl. "Then why are you doing this?" she asked.

A small smile grew on Davina's face. "For a thousand-year-old vampire, you really are pretty oblivious." She chuckled softly making the ice around Ember's heart melt just slightly. "You and your sister clearly have a very special bond. If I help her, I'm helping you."

A small smile grew on Ember's face to match Davina's. She wasn't expecting such a genuine response. At that moment Davina had a realization about Ember Mikaelson. The girl really wasn't used to someone doing things for her. When Davina looked in her eyes she saw a kid not sure of who to trust, not an ancient supernatural being. It was more like looking into the eyes of a lost puppy than a werewolf with a loyal pack.

Ember was too surprised to say thank you but luckily Davina didn't take insult to it and instead spoke for her, "Now let's go see what kind of spell we're working with here."

Ember nodded okay and followed her through the door.

When Davina saw Rebekah's body laid out on the concrete floor surrounded by a salt ring she immediately knew whoever had done it was powerful.

"Can you fix her?" Elijah asked after a few seconds of silence.

Davina bit her lip as she traced the salt circle with her eyes. "I think so. You'll need my blood."

"You didn't happen to bring a knife with you, did you?" Hayley asked. Davina shook her head no and turned around to look at Ember. She held her wrist out expectantly.

"What?" Ember said an eyebrow raised before realization hit her. "Are you sure?"

Davina took a deep breath and nodded her head.

Ember reached out, gently taking Davina's wrist in her hand. Her thumb caressed the witch's pulse point. The beat was slightly faster than normal. Ember became even more apprehensive, dissuaded by what she assumed to be Davina's body's response to fear.

When she didn't bite Davina met the girl's eyes, "It's okay." She whispered before adding, "I trust you."

Ember nodded her head and sunk her teeth into the soft milky skin of the witch.

Ember sucked lightly. Just enough for the blood to lightly flow. Try as she might, she couldn't keep from tasting the sweet copper flavor that grazed her tongue. It was only when Davina winced that Ember was able to ground herself and break away from her flesh.

Ember gently guided Davina's bleeding wrist over the circle of salt that held her sister captive, squeezing lightly so gravity would pull the blood to the floor.

In the spot where Davina's blood pooled, the salt began to dissipate, breaking the spell. Elijah rushed forward with the care and speed of a noble elder brother and took Rebekah into his arms.

"Thank you." Ember breathed out. Still amazed by Davina's dedication to her. Davina only nodded with a small smile. In her mind, no thanks were needed. She just wondered when Ember would understand that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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