Chapter 9

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    Bonnie Bennet had ended up being much more gracious than I could have ever asked for. After explaining myself and the reasons I had to leave the quarter to save Davina from my brother Bonnie let us stay the night so that Davina could rest. At one thirty in the morning I sat upstairs at the foot of the bed as Davina slept. I was thinking to myself when a voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"What are you doing?" she muttered sleepily.

"Oh just thinking. I didn't realize you were awake." I said glancing over my shoulder at her.

"You should sleep. You ran all the way here." she continued. I was about to object before a yawn overcame me. "Here. come lay down." she said scooting over. After a second of thinking it through I gave in. The second I lay my head on the pillow my eyes began to shut and my mind began to drift into unconsciousness. I barely heard it when Davina muttered out a quiet "Sweet dreams."

Davina's P.O.V.

The truth was that after everything that happened I couldn't sleep anymore. After being locked in the attic for months sleep didn't come easy to me and after almost dying it didn't come any easier. I had thought I was going to actually die today and while having felt that before something about this time was different. This time was so much scarier... And as much as I want to deny it, I know why. Because I didn't want to leave this Earth before I got the chance to spend more time with Ember Mikaelsson.

I don't know why and I sure as hell can't explain it, but the youngest Mikaelsson was different from her siblings, different from anyone I'd ever met. And now that I knew someone like that, dying was so much scarier than I could have ever imagined.

But I was okay thanks to that very girl. A girl who had lived fifty lives more than me. A girl who I barely knew but was now sleeping on my shoulder. A girl that I think I maybe loved.

Back to Ember's p.o.v.

We decided to return to New Orleans in a car rather than have me run. "How'd you learn to do that?" Davina asked as I drove.

"Do what?" I asked back, my eyes on the road.

"Hotwire this car." she responded.

"Oh." I smiled,

 "When you've been alive since the creation of it you tend to learn the ins and outs

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 "When you've been alive since the creation of it you tend to learn the ins and outs."

"God, your life must be like a story." she sighed.

I snorted, "If anything a tragedy." It took a second of silence to realize what I had said. "Sorry, I don't know why I said that." I mumbled.

"It's alright." Davina smiled. There was about a minute of silence and I thought the entire subject was dropped but she spoke again, "How?"

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"How is it a tragedy... Your life I mean." She clarified.

I laughed, "Wow. You really don't hold back do you?"

"Oh. uh. sorry. I don't mean to pry." she stuttered embarrassed.

"No, no, it's okay." I reassured her and after a deep breath continued, "Most of my childhood I spent in fear of my father. Mikael hated Klaus and I. I remember when I was really young and he would come home from his hunts I would hide under my sisters covers. He would always look under mine but he never remembered to check hers. I would lay there curled up, not daring to breath to loud in fear he would hear me. I was only ever in fear." I paused for a second as I got lost in my own thoughts. "And when I was changed I became one of the most powerful creatures in existence... But what good is that when the one thing that I feared was still out there, hunting me, stronger than ever?" Davina was silent as she processed everything.

I worried I had said too much until Davina placed a hand on mine and responded, "I think I understand."

The witches had been tormenting her for months. Trying to kill her. Her very own mother died while trying to kill her. It suddenly dawned on me that Davina and I were much more alike than I could have ever predicted. Davina and I had more potential, more power, than most could even comprehend but that power could still do nothing to deliver us what most had, happiness. The rest of the drive to New Orleans we spent in a comfortable silence, her hand never leaving the top of mine.

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