Chapter 2: Partnership?

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Conrad's POV:

Another day in the paradise, I sigh (that was sarcasm). The war was still splitting the country apart I thought as I scan across the crowd of people in the club. I see my little opponent over here staring at something and I turn around to see that everyone seems to be fixated on the entrance of the club. That's when I hear it. The sounds of boots thudding through the club.

I look at the pair of boots that just entered and trailed up the mysterious stranger's body. They were wearing cargo pants and a very tight black tank top that showed their curves nicely. I look up at the stranger's face and saw the most beautiful face I had ever seen. She looked like she was scanning the crowd, her plump lips slightly agape. She had short blonde hair slick and tucked behind her ears. What really caught my attention were her eyes. The lightest shade of blue I have ever seen, almost transparent. She turns around looking at the bar contemplating on what she is going to get.

I couldn't take my eyes off her and I think she noticed as she turns around and looks dead into my eyes. Curiosity is clear on her face and I can feel those beautiful eyes analyzing me. I smirk at the thought and continue to play my game, successfully winning. I grab the pile of cash until another hand tried to stop me. I can hear my opponent yelling at me in vietnamese and I'm already over this and turn to look at the beautiful stranger. Only to see her smirk and wink at me before leaving.

I start to feel something that I don't quite understand. It felt like my heart went light and my stomach was doing flips. My smile quickly went away as I hear the switch of the knife behind me. I hit the person in front of me with my stick and knocked the end of it behind me to the other attacker. Quickly I stab the third person in the mouth and flung him downwards knocking him unconscious. A few balls flew by missing my head only by a few centimetres before I hit one with whats left of my stick straight to the guy who threw it. Annoyance is dripping through my face as I scan for the stranger once again only to see two men standing by the entrance.

One guy wore glasses and a sweater vest with a tie, holding a suitcase. He was nothing more than skin and bones and seemed to be very fragile. The other one however, also wearing a suit and tie, seems more confident in what he is going to say and seems to have some sort of beard going on. He obviously also have never been to the gym or done anything physical guessing by his body shape.  So obviously, they have came here looking for my expertise in tracking.

They quickly approach me and one of them says "Captain James Conrad, commander of the air - commander of the sky".  He slides down into one of the tables and the other one does the same looking a lot more nervous than he was. I slowly sit down and wait to here what they want to discuss about.

"You want me to lead your men to an uncharted island? Let me list all the ways you're gonna die: rain, heat, disease-carrying flies,  and we haven't started on the things that want to eat you alive" I say crossing my arms and staring at them.

"Well sir we do have a rough sketch of the isla-" the boy name Houston states before being interrupted by the older man Randa.

"You also aren't going to be the only tracker on the project" This statement perks my interest. Working with another could be fun but they can also bring the whole group down with them, if they are unexperienced and ignorant.

"Now I know what you are thinking, wouldn't the other tracker just be worse for the group? Nonsense, this tracker is legendary. They are one of the most skilled, talented, dangerous person I know. Speak of the devil" Randa trails off as he looks at something behind me. Houston also seemed a little daze at whoever this "legendary" tracker is behind me. Before I could turn around they were shoved into the empty chair beside me by the two soldiers. Whoever this person is, they are clearly dangerous and mischievous and clearly can't be trusted. When the soldiers leave I finally get a clear view of...... her?

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