Chapter 16: We Meet Again

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Grace's POV

"We are going to save Kong," I say pumping my fist into the air.

"YEAH" They chant as they also do some victory cheers.

"How are we going to do that?" Marlow questions, still laughing at my behaviour.

"Well," I propose, putting my hands together and stepping off the rock to stand closer to them. I ponder a bit and look at Conrad. He looks at me with doubt as he too, ponders about a plan.

"I am going to go up to higher grounds to look for the river; then I'll report back to you guys so we can find the boat. You two" I say pointing towards San and Houston

"You guys are going to go find the boat afterwards and if we do not make it back till dawn, you leave without us"

They nod their heads at my command

"When I return, you three are going to go help me distract Packard and his boy band. Long enOUGH to make sure that Kong is safe from harms way."

They all nod their heads and agree with my actions.

"Any questions?" I ask tentatively as I scan the group to see any doubts or questions. I see Mason awkwardly trying to raise her hand and I give her a crooked smile

"Oh I wouldn't be going anywhere without my best girl now would I?"

She laughs at my statement and goes to stand by my side

"You can come too, Cap" I say patting Conrad's shoulder, earning a small chuckle from him.

"We will be back as soon as possible" I say heading off into the depths of the forest.

"Do you hear that? It may sound like birds but its a fucking ant" was the last thing I heard as we separate further into the forest.

We hike up for a while, climbing further up the mountain until we see the tops of the trees. My body aches, as I reach for the next edge of the cliff. I feel sore throughout my body but I continue to push myself further up. I look down to see Mason struggling to keep up with Conrad's fast pace. Her face showing nothing but pain and agony as she holds onto the rocks, fear playing in her eyes.

I look past her, looking at the vast range of trees and rocks. I suddenly start to shake, my anxiety taking over me.

"Angel, sweetheart. Please breathe. Take a deep breathe and only look up. When we get to the top, I will be there. Angel, please just focus on my voice and continue climbing."  I hear Conrad's soothing voice say. I close my eyes and reach for the next edge, pulling myself higher. My muscles, screaming in agony as I continue to climb for a few moments longer. I feel a hand wrap around my arm, it hoists me upwards, onto more levelled grounds. I feel another wrap around my waist and slowly steady me down onto the ground.

"I got you, Angel" I hear Conrad whisper into my ear as he strokes my hair. I calm under his touch and I slowly open my eyes. I finally realize that I'm still shaking and I ask him

"C-Can you help Mason" I say my voice shaking unintentionally. I feel his head rest on top of mine for a while before he gives me one more squeeze. He hesitantly lets me go and helps Mason up. I still face away from the edge for I am too scared to even look.

"The fearless Grace Barnes is in fact, not fearless" I hear Mason pant jokingly, lowering herself onto the ground behind me.

"M-m-mh" I try my best to respond as I hug my knees and rest my head on them. It's just heights Grace. You've been through worst. Hold yourself together.

"Hey, Angel. You're safe now, please look at me" he says crouching down in-front of me, grasping my head gently, lifting it up to face him. 

I open my eyes to see his concern face. His face highlighted by the moonlight, showing off his beautiful features. His eyes lighting up almost as bright as the moon itself. I put all my strength into a timid smile, calming him slightly to see my mood.

"I guess heights aren't my thing" I say leaning into his embrace. He gives me a shaky laugh as he pulls me into a hug. One of his knees in between mine, his arms protectively wrap around me.

"Don't you ever scare me again, Angel" he says into my hairline. I try to get up and he aides me, lifting me up slowly as if I was a porcelain doll.

"It's alright Cap, I'm fine" I say looking back towards Mason, who was still panting on the ground.

"Hold on to me, alright" he says almost as if he thinks I'm going to be going anywhere anytime soon.

Mason stands up and walks up to the edge and we stand beside her. Although the view was terrifying, it was beautiful.

"There's the river" she says pointing towards the small river that sews itself in-between the forests.

"Really? I thought that was a very long, blue stick" I say jokingly. The night was slightly foggy and the stars shine above twinkling with beauty.

"Ohmygod" I hear Mason breathe out. I look towards the vast opening again to see a large figure approach us.


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