Chapter 6: Just Peachy

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Grace's POV:

"Rise and shine happy campers!" I hear Colonel Packard yell through the speakers. I swear I'm going to kill that man one day. I put away my book I was reading because there's no point with all the ruckus they are going to make.

I lean on the railing on the deck and watch the rays of the sun dance across the ocean. The beautiful pink and yellow rays mix with the deep ocean blue. The waves were calm this ocean morning and I look down to see a small school of fish swim by. I place my elbow on the railing and rest my face in my palm. The morning calmness is going to end as soon as the soldiers come up to the deck.

"Beautiful isn't it" I hear a voice say beside me. Already knowing who it was due to their familiar aura I don't bother to turn and look at them. It's too early in the morning to be sarcastic or mean so I ponder for a while ignoring them hoping that they will take the hint and go away.

"Well aren't you an early bird" Conrad chuckles as he slides closer to me resting both his arms on the railing. Our bodies are so close that our elbows are slightly grazing each other and I can't help but like the feeling of our proximity.

"Just conserving my energy for whats to come" I respond never looking away from the ocean.

"You scared?" he asks with the slightest concern in his voice

"never" I respond and I turn to face him. He looks ravishing I say to myself as I study him. His eyes still not fully awake and his hair still messy from slumber. I can't help but stare.

"Liking the view?" He asks chuckling obviously talking about himself

"loving it" I reply looking at the peaceful ocean one last time. I hear multiple heavy footsteps climbing up the stairs.

"Oh great, the baboons decided to awaken" I say pushing myself off the railing and making my way towards a more quiet place.

"Oh come on, what happened to the girl I met that couldn't stop asking for trouble" he replies walking beside me

"Dead because she didn't sleep at all" I say smiling and looking at him. I can't help but smile at his way of lighting up my mood. It's not much but it's sincere and it is distracting me from our impending deaths.

"Aw my little angel didn't get her beauty rest"

Never mind. He's dead to me. Dead. I roll my eyes and glare at him.

"Sorry what? Were you speaking to me?" I say looking around and pointing to myself mocking curiosity and confusion

"Well it's only going to be a few more hours until we reach our destination so get some shut eye"

"Can't do that Cap I've got a team to meet" I say turning around to face him and mock saluting him before turning and look for Mason;  so I don't have to face the baboons by myself. I can hear him chuckle as I leave and I can't help but smile in return.

"Hey there, Champ" I say greeting her and pulling her into a hug.

"Good morning, Grace. Any sleep last night?" She ask changing the film in her camera

"Sleep is for the weak" I respond smiling and shoving my hands into my cargo pant's pockets.

"mmh I can tell by the dark circles under your eyes"

"Is it that noticeable"

"No, you perfect little human I'm joking" she says rolling her eyes

"Ok let's get this over with and meet the baboons" I say the smile quickly wiped off my face.

We talked to Glenn Mills, Captain Earl Cole, and warrant officer Rev Silko. They seemed to be really cool people to work with. They treat each other like brothers and joke around mostly. Mason took so many picture that I think that clicking sound of the camera will haunt me forever.

"Ms. Barnes" a voice says as they tap my shoulder attempting to get my attention.

"Yes" I respond as I turn around to see who tapped my shoulder. I look to see a man with dark brown hair holding his hands behind his back. Another soldier, alright, this is going to be fun.

"to what do I owe the pleasure of" I respond cooly scanning him up and down. He chuckles looking down at the ground shaking his head and looking back up at me.

"Well I just wanted to say hi and tell you that you will be with me on the helicopter"

"Well I'll be damned, you can call me Grace instead of Ms. Barnes" I say sticking my hand out indicating for him to shake it.

"Major Jack Chapman nice to meet you" he says reciprocating my friendly gesture.

"AWW COMMON YOU ALREADY HAVE A FAMILY STOP HOGGING HER" I hear Silko say. I turn around to face him making his face turn beet red.

"Well I'm all ears kid, having fun?" I say staring intensely at him making his pale skin even more red.

"Y-you know what C-Chapman? You can keep 'er" he responds slightly flustered while the other boys laugh clearly amused by his behaviour.

"So who else is on our team?" I ask changing the subject to make the soldier less awkward. He starts pointing to a few guys that I haven't talked to yet and we start walking to meet them.

I feel a familiar pair of eyes watching me from above. Studying my every movement as if I'm a porcelain doll about to break. I turn to the direction of the eyes and see Conrad scanning everyone's activity from one of the higher floors of the boat.

Smart indeed. Observing from afar to understand people's interactions better. That does give you more of a backbone to rely on but that doesn't give you the trust of others.

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