Chapter 3: Departure

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Grace POV:

Excitement is coursing through my veins as I walk towards the giant ship that will take me on the grand expedition. I look at the crowd lining up getting ready to load the ship. Of course, women are still forced to work in the kitchen so there is none in the line..... except for a certain blonde looking at some files. I grip my own form in my hands as I walk towards her.

"Mason Weaver?-" One of the scientists in an aluminium like jacket says looking at his clipboard.

"Yes" She responds

"-iss a girl..." He says with hesitation in his voice.

"is there a problem" She says with a little annoyance in her voice. I can't help but snicker and pat her on the back before passing the nerd who asks to see my form. I go towards a man with authority written all over him standing beside the bridge that connects to the boat.

"Hello, my name is Grace Barnes and I'm one of the trackers on the team" I say handing him my form.

"Colonel Packard ma'am" he says tipping his hat at me.

"Did you change your mind about coming?" He ask with a small smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I heard that you dropped out of the mission"

"Who told you that?" I reply furious gritting my teeth together

"me" a ruff english voice says from the ship. I glare at the person where the voice came from. Oh, I get it. Captain Big Shot doesn't want to share this mission or something.

"Well Colonel, change of plans" I say with a fake smile. The only smiling that I'm going to do is when I show Captain Big Shot a piece of my mind.

I grab my duffle bag that I dropped and hurry onto the ship. I look around to see where that english motherfucker had gone. All of a sudden, I'm slammed into one of the crates loaded on the ship; away from everyone. Two strong hands are pushing my shoulders into the crates, but not too roughly. Holding back I see. My duffle bag rolls to the side and I look up to see, the one and only, Captain Big shot.

"Are you holding back because I'm a girl Captain?" I say in an almost flirtatious way. Obviously seeing the effect it has on the mercenary.

"You shouldn't be here" he replies in a serious tone

"Why is that Captain? You don't think I can handle myself" I say deviously. I then push him using my free hands and attempt to punch him only for him to capture both of my hands. He twists both my arms around so they are behind my back and he puts them quite low still holding them tightly, but not at all painful. He pulls me into him so that my back is flushed onto him and he leans in to the crook of my neck right beside my ear.

"Feisty, I like that" he whispers. I can feel his hot breathe on my skin and I can't help but like the feeling. SNAP OUT OF IT! WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS FIRST OF ALL.

"Now before you attempt again" he says not loosening his grip anytime soon.

"How about we make a deal?" He twists me around so I'm facing him and he puts his arms around my waist and pushes me onto him. Leaving only a few centimetres of space left between our face.

"A deal with the devil? Are you sure about that Cap?" I say deviously as I push myself further into him. Two can play this game. I see unsureness on his face before it returns to a menacing smirk.

"How about I pay you 100 dollars and you leave this mission"

"But I could be getting so much more if I go on the mission"

"You could die on the mission"

"Still not seeing the con side"

"It's literally a suicide mission"

"You don't know that. It's an island after all, I think I'll survive." I say probably glaring back at him.

"Fine, since you are so reluctant about going on the mission I have 3 rules you must follow.

1. Never leave the pack alone under any circumstances-" he leans closer

"2. Never make any decisions on your own meaning that you run them through me first

3. Do not get in my way" he says the last one almost growling.

I look at him for a moment. Getting lost in those deep blue eyes. You can tell that he has gone through a lot just by looking at him. His eyes twitches for a second loosing it's intensity. I use this perfect moment to slip out of him embrace and grab my bag and walk away from him.

"Now where's the fun in that Cap?" I say one last time before I turn the corner and head towards the debriefing room. I swear this man will be the death of me.

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