Chapter 9: Oh Lord Heaven Knows We Belong Way Down Below

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Grace's POV:

Or so I thought....

I hear a mighty roar a few meters away from me. I slowly open my eyes looking at the situation I've gotten myself into.

My vision is blurry, everything is unfocused as I see a battle has sprung out before me. All I see are two blobs, one large greyish colour and the other smaller and white. I think I'm either dead or this is a metaphor for heaven and hell.

I slowly stand up only to fall onto the tree I was flung to.


So much red.

Get over it and run, Grace. Come on, you can do it.

I scramble to the next tree leaning for support. Everything is spinning and I feel like I have fifty migraines all at once. I need to get going I grunt to myself as I push off heading towards the next tree.

I close my eyes and stick my hand out looking for the trees to guide me, dragging my right leg along that got injured by the boxes. In the background, I can hear the roars of the lizard skull creature getting further and further away.

The feeling of sleep is trying to wash over me as I make it further and further away from the fight.

Do I dare open my eyes?

I keep going until my hand touches something cold. I open my eyes to see that I touched an old broken down wall, of what's left of the ruins. There were a lot of weeds and vines growing indicating how long it has been here. It also shows that there was some sort of civilization to have created such structures. The sun is nearly gone, setting below, hiding behind the trees. The stars start to shimmer a bit as the sky begins to change colours.

I feel the life drain out of me as I slump against the cool texture. My eyelids feeling heavier as I struggle to keep them up. I glance one more time towards the ruins only to see people emerge from it carrying spear-like weapons.


I'm loosing too much blood and going mad now. These illusions look so real as they step closer and closer to me.

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