Chapter 8: Sorry boys

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Conrad's POV

"WATCH OUT" I scream in horror as I watch the helicopter that Grace got on crash to the ground. I knew my screams couldn't be heard but that didn't stop me from trying. So many emotions crossing my mind as I see the tail of the helicopter burst into flames.

"TURN BACK" I command gritting my teeth. The pilot ignores my command which only makes me angrier.


"Who are you to be telling orders" The pilot snarks back. I grip the handle of the helicopter tightly trying to conceal my rage. My knuckles are turning white from the pressure and I look around to see multiple helicopters also getting knocked out of the air.

It's only been a few minutes into the mission and she's most likely dead.....because of me. I could have stopped her from going on this mission if I tried harder, but I didn't.

I wanted her to come.

I wanted to know her better.

My stomach twists and my heart becomes hollow leaving me with a pain much worse than a bullet could ever cause.

Mason puts her hand on mine and I turn to look at her. Her eyes are glossy as she looks at something in a distance with the most horrific expression.

"Is that a fucking ape?" I hear someone curse over the communicator. I look up to see the figure of a large gruesome beast. It hits it's chest in dominance and releases a mighty roar. It's eyes dark red as murder flashes in them. It begins to attack the other helicopters and isn't fazed by the number of weapons being fired at it.

What have we gotten ourselves into?

Grace's POV

"" I hear the static sounds of the communicator in the distance. I try to open my eyes but my eyelids are too heavy. I look around to see the bodies of my team stuck in the helicopter.

We crashed.

We actually crashed.

The whole helicopter has been flattened leaving barely any space to move. I groan at the pain in my right leg. I look down to see a few of the boxes has so kindly decided to rest on it. How fabulous. With whatever strength I had left, I crouch down and lift the boxes off of my leg. Only to realize that that's where my support was and I slip and fall out the helicopter.

I pull myself using the grass as my support further away from the helicopter. Just in case the helicopter decides to explode. After a few moments of rest, and trying to regain my energy. I sit up and wrap my leg with some medical cloths and check if I broke any bones. Turns out it was just really bruised and slightly swollen so that's a plus. I stand up checking if my leg was good enough to walk on and making sure that I did not have any other injuries.

The leg slightly hurt but I've been through worst.

Oh shit, the other soldiers.

I rush over to the helicopter and unstrap all the men from their seat belts and drag them to somewhere safer. I hear someone groan from the back seats of the helicopter.

"I'm coming just hold on" I say, hoping to ease out the soldier. I quickly drag the other guy I was helping beside the other 4 and run towards the sound.

"Can you get out yourself?" I ask trying to push out all the rummage to see the person better.

"I believe so" the voice says as I hear some slight movement of someone sliding out from the openings of the doors.

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