Chapter 17: The Monster Down Under

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Grace's POV

There it stood, bold, strong, intimidating....... and scared? Its large figure looms before us. It's intense eyes staring at us, studying our every movement.

Conrad's arm tightens around me and he attempts to reach for his gun. I slowly put my hand on his gun, lowering it slowly trying not to provoke the beast in front of us. Seeing no threat, the beast's eye ease.

Mason steps forwards, towards the magnificent Kong. In my terror, I watch as she touches the large animal. It calming to her touch as Mason relishes in the moment, staring in awe at the beast. Kong really means no harm to us, he was just protecting his property.

From a far distance, a few explosions can be heard. We all turn to see where it came from and we find large bodies of fire dancing around an open field.


Kong steps back and growls loudly before marching towards the fire.

"We have to go," Conrad says, grabbing my hand, turning around to head down the mountain. I struggle to follow his quick pace but none the less continue running behind him down the mountain.

We arrive at the bottom of the mountain panting, I turn around to see Mason only a few feet behind us.

"Kong took the bait, he's going into Packard's trap," I say looking at my team mates who return me with wide eyes.

"The boat should be 3 klicks from here, so we better get going before it's too late" Conrad says letting go of my hand to direct everyone which direction the boat was.

"MOVE OUT" I exclaim as Conrad, Mason, Marlow and I set forth onto our mission.

"I thought I was the leader of this pack?" Conrad says jokingly running along side with me.

"I thought ranks count first" I tease back, winking at him, taking my katana out of its sheath and cutting through the branches blocking our path. An earth-shattering thud can be felt followed by a loud antagonizing scream from an animal of some sort.

"Oh dear" I hear Mason whisper from behind us, still heavily tired from all the running we did.

"Come on, we have to move fast" I say looking up at the night sky to see the moon nearing the horizon as well as faint purples spotting the sky.

As we approach the scene, I can see Packard standing in-front of a fallen Kong. All the other soldiers stand petrified of their leader with many dead as well. Packard wanted to avenge his men but he will do so by killing more? This guy is batshit crazy. Like what the actual fuck Packard? I tried to be professional and shit yet you act like a crazy ass pyscho.... AND your still getting paid more than me. I hope in the future women and men get paid the same (I'm sorry, I'm very petty cuz we just had a debate about this in one of my courses and this dumbass bitch thought we get equal pay. We get it, you're privilege. Any-who carry on- Author's petty ass).

"Ok, Conrad and Mason, you two go in front of Kong and distract Packard and his men. While this is happening, Marlow, you and I sneak up behind Slviko and the other soldiers and corner 'em up. Sound good?"

They all nod in unison and we initiate our plan. Marlow and I hide behind the setups and await for Conrad and Mason. They run up in front of Kong's face taking Packard by surprise. Marlow and I take this opportunity to sneak up behind the other soldiers. Marlow raises his katana to Slviko's neck and I place both my guns on two soldiers heads, touching their temples with the barrel of the guns.

"You move and I'll shoot" I threaten menacingly watching them gulp in anxiety.

"Packard stop this now" I say turning my attention to him. He glares at me, furious as ever.

"BITCH YOU TOO"  he exclaims

"BITCH ME TOO" I respond hostilely, glaring him

"MUST I REMIND YOU WHAT YOUR JOB IS AGAIN?!" He replies, wailing his hands around clearly holding something in his hand. A detonator? ooH HELL NOOO.

"Drop your weapon" Conrad says in a calm manner. Oh yes sweetie beat his ass up. Oh wait, that's not what you're doing. Is it? NOPE.

"Drop your weapon" I hear Slviko say as he turns his gun towards his leader. YES SLVIKO, YESSSSSSS I KNEW YOU WOULDN'T BETRAY US.

All of the other soldiers slowly drop their weapons and so do I.


"IS IT? IS IT REALLY? BECAUSE IN MY OPINION THE ONLY MONSTER HERE RIGHT NOW IS YOU" I scream back. Suddenly, the ground beneath us begin to shake and the water from the lake begins to swirl. A mighty roar can be heard and the queen bee of skullcrawlers rises out of the water.

"NEVER MINE, YOU GOT YOURSELF A LIL FRIEND OVER THERE. I HOPE YOU BOND TOGETHER" I say pushing all the soldiers the opposite direction because the stupid twats were too shocked to move.

"ALONS-Y! VAMOS! MOVE!" I scream grabbing Marlow by the arm and tugging him along.  Everyone begins evacuating except for Packard. Conrad runs back and tries to convince him to leave but he's too stubborn to leave.

"Give up Conrad" I scream going back to him and Mason.

We reach towards the trees until Mason stops and turns around.

"Die you motherfu-" was the last thing Packard says before being squished by Kong's large hand. Like he was nothing more than a mere ant. Well he's worth one. Actually no, ants are fucking sick and they are like one of the best architectures out there, building their lil ant hills and shi-

"GRACE LETS GO" Conrad screams snapping me out of my thoughts. He takes my hand in his and we run far away from the battle as possibly.

One monster will rise victorious in this battle. One will rule the land as a god and the other will parish. Let's just hope it's Kong that makes it out alive.

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