Chapter 15: Coward

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Grace's POV

Coward. He is such a coward. Fleeing from Packard when I almost got him in the spot I wanted him in. I could have just killed Packard then and there, but I didn't. I didn't because of him. Speak of the devil.

"Now I may be going out on a limb here, but I think you're mad at me" Conrad speaks sheepishly. oHhoOHOA BOYISH CHARMS AREN'T GOING TO WORK ON ME. My anger seeping through my veins as I try to control myself to not pounce on him then and there.

Yes, I understand that he did the best he could to protect us but when is he going to learn I don't need protecting? I make the obvious mistake by glancing at him and seeing the misery and confusion in his eyes. His gaze melts into mine and I look away instantly. Come on, stay mad.

"Well let me tell you why she's mad at you" I hear Mason speak up from beside me.

"Kong is a god here and if the mad man and his lackeys are able to kill him then who knows what will happen?HMM? Will the Iwis die, will the animals here die, WILL THE WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING ISLAND TURN INTO A LIVING HELL!?" Mason angrily says. I'm taken back at her outburst because I have never seen her yell at anyone so harshly. She wouldn't even hurt a fly even if she was forced to.

She looks at me with her wide eyes, also surprised about her outburst.

"Ok, I've been hanging out with you too much. I'm going to go cool off" She says walking away from us and standing beside Houston and San, who were talking about what will happen to MONARCH without Randa.

I turn to look at Conrad who had a huge frown on his face, looking down at the ground. I would be like too if literally, the nicest person in the world, yelled at me. I slowly raise my hand up to cup his cheek trying to get his attention. He turns to look at me and he leans into my touch.

"Although I do agree with Mason's harsh statement," I say laughing, earning a chuckle from him as well.

" I think you did the best you could to protect the science nerds and Santa Claus over there. Which I can learn to respect." I say matter of factly as I run my hand through his soft hair.

"Well, we aren't going to just let them kill Kong are we?" He says rhetorically. He looks at me with a devious smirk that I can't help but smile at. I playfully punch him in the arm and look up at the sky that was slowly getting darker.

"Oh thank god! I thought I lost you there" I say turning back to him to see him reciprocating my smile.

I look to see Marlow sitting on a stump, catching his breath. I take this time to tell the whole group to stop as well.

"NOW NO MORE SAD FACES!" I say as I jump onto a rock, with my hands on my hips, doing a power stance, to look at them. They all look at me interested in what I have to say and I see Conrad chuckling as he stands beside me.

"WE LITTLE GUYS ARE GOING TO STAND UP!" I say in the most patriotic voice I got. They all look at me with smiles as they nod their heads.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU" I scream louder

"YEAH" They respond louder


"What are we going to do?" they ask me curiously, smiles still playing on their mouths.

I look down at Conrad with a smile and he looks up at me with an adoring smile back. I turn back to the group, feeling their anticipation and curiosity.

"We are going to save Kong"

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