Chapter 18: HOME

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Grace's POV:

We continue running forwards into the lake. We hear sounds of growling behind us as we make our grand escape. The big ass skullcrawler was chasing us. What happened to Kong? 

"Cole what are you doing?!?" I hear Mills screams as he turns back around, the sound of water swishing at his movement. I turn to see Cole holding two grenades standing in front of the beast that was getting closer and closer. 

"You go live great lives. Tell my kids about me" I hear Cole begin to say preparing for impact. That brave man, was going to kill himself in order to save us. I understand that I may have influenced his decision by also killing the other skullcrawler grenade to the stomache, but this thing is the size of a sky scrapper. Literally I set the other one on fire and even then did it still continue to move around. 

"COLE COME BACK HERE MAN!" I hear Mills yell. We try to hold him back and drag him forwards but he kept pushing. 

We watch in horror as Cole gets flung to the other side of the fucking land and spattered onto a mountain. Followed by an explosion. Mills begins to cry and scream in agony for the loss of his friend. 

"WE HAVE TO KEEP GOING" Conrad screams which instantly snaps everyone into reality. We continue to run as the beast follows our trail, hot on our toes. All of a sudden the skullcrawler was tackled to the ground. Kong. The two beast begin to brawl one another, merciless.  Each animal baring its teeth, clawling one another. 

From around the corner I can see Marlow's raggedy ol' boat. I feel like a kid on christmas. Thank you jesus christ! We all begin to head to the boat. Houston was firing a machine gun ontop of the boat at the beast, to no avail however.

"COME ON!" I hear the angelic voice of San sing, or scream, I think I'm loosing my mind. Conrad climbs onto the boat first and helps everyone on. The skullcrawler somehow managed to push Kong over the remains of a broken down boat. Kong roars as he's restrainned by the ropes of the ship. The machine gun stops firing and Houston's face drains from all its colour.  

"gahhh shittt" he says as he hits the machine a few times. The skullcrawler ignores the roaring Kong and begins to head towards. 

"MOVE ASIDE" Marlow screams as he reloads the weapon and continues to fire at the, now more agitated, skullcrawler. All of a sudden a flash of red hits the side of its head. We all turn to find where the flare came from to see Mason on top of the mountain not far from the battle. 

The skullcrawler howls in pain and begins to make its path towards her. "MASON" I scream as I watch the beast get way too close to her. Thankfully, Kong tackles the skullcrawler to the ground, but by doing so, their enormous bodies crash to the mountain. It all happens so fast as Masons small body falls into the water. From that high of impact she must have fell unconscious. 

I start to run towards the battle, ignoring the screams of my friends. Of Conrad's. My muscles scream as I continue to run faster and faster towards her. Before I can dive into help her a large hand reaches in and grabs her. I dive in behind a rock and embrace myself for any impact. Suddenly, I feel a pair of protective arms. Their body pressed onto mine as we both embrace one another. 

"Are you crazy?" I hear Conrad's raspy voice ask, his warm embrace never leaving me.

"Is that the only thing you got from this?" I try to joke back as I look up to see the battle over. Kong slowly place Mason onto the ground and we both instantly stand up. I run over to her and I check for her heart beat. 

It was faint. But it was there. I cradle her in my embrace and she starts coughing violently. Conrad comes behind me and wraps one arm around my waist and kisses my temple. 

"You two are like a gross old couple and I'm like your messed up baby" Mason says jokingly and I can't help but give her a genuine smile. 

"Come along now, time to go home" I say getting up. We set sail onto the open waters and we see a couple of helicopters fly in.

Alas, we can go home. 


We make it back to the original boat. All of us cheering about our success in making it back. Almost immediatly, everyone went to their beds and slept peacefully. 

Even though I was tired, I couldn't sleep. I went up to the deck and I sat with my legs dangled off the side of the boat. 

"but I can't help" I sing softly, resting my head on the railing

"falling in love with you" I hear a soft melodic voice sing from beside me. 

"Elvis is starting to grow on me now" I hear Conrad say sitting down beside me. I lean onto his shoulder and close my eyes. 

"What are you going to do now, Romeo?" I ask finding his hand and interwining it with mine. 

"Gonna vacation for a bit, away from the propaganda, away from the monsters."

"Sounds beautiful"

"A little company won't hurt you know?" 

I look up at him to see him fondly staring at me. 

"Oh I don't know, Mason already has a boyfriend. Slviko doesn't swing that way. Well maybe, if you woo him enough..." I joke and he playfully punches me

"I'm talking about you, Angel" He says in a more serious tone 

"Well Cap, I got my own plans you know?"

"Like what?"

"Find someone to love, go on non dangerous adventure, maybe pick up on my guitar again. I JUST REMEMBERED I'M GOING TO BE RICH" I exclaim, giggling at how lovingly Conrad was staring at me.

"Any idea who is going to be worthy of such an important task?" He ask

"I got one idea" I say leaning in and pecking him on the lips. 

"mmmh I don't think I understand" he says cockily with a lop-sided grin 

"I want you to love me, my dear Conrad" I say once again leaning into another loving kiss.

I can live like this.

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