Chapter 4: The Debriefing

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Grace's POV:

I had just put away my duffle bag and backpack in one of the dorms they provided us on the ship before making my way through the hallway. There were multiple makeshift beds in the room, although I highly doubt that anyone will be sleeping due to the excitement of the journey that awaits us. I walk up the stairs onto the deck of the ship watching all the soldiers running in 3 by 4 formation around the deck.

I walk towards the debriefing room hoping that I don't see Captain Big Shot again. What even was his name again? Did he ever mention it? I turn the corner to see everyone sitting on chairs and watching another nerd talk about the plans. Oh great I'm late. I lean against the wall watching intently about the wondrous island.

"I'm sorry we are going to do what now?" I say as the scientist talk about designating bombs on the island. Everyone turn to look at me and they all seem slightly surprise that I would talk out of my boundaries for I am nothing but an innocent little female.

*Cough* *cough* sarcasm.

I give them my signature smirk and some even dare to whistle. I ignore the horny dogs and turn my attention to the man presenting the plan.

"It's scientific bombs. They can help map the island seismographically" Houston replies

"You hear that boys? We're scientists now" one of the soldiers remarked. He seemed pretty young, probably only got drafted into the war this year or so. I can't help but chuckle at the presenter's face in response to the remark.

"You are anything but scientists" the same guy that was on the dock earlier respond under his breathe. Most people wouldn't be able to hear that but I sure did and I had to cough to hide my chuckle. I turn to look at Captain Big Shot grinning at me. Stupid ass motherfucker thinking he's better than everyone.

After the debriefing, we all returned to our dorms to rest for the upcoming day. Curiosity got the best of me as I rush into the dorm and find my notebook and pencil. I sneakily left without anyone knowing and I run to the storage room where they kept all the crates. There is something they are hiding from us, and I intend to find out.

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