Chapter 11: My Sweet Ol' Cap

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Grace's POV

Waking up is no longer the pleasure it was. There is a fleeting moment when I am whole again but it evaporates faster than summer rain off the burnt earth.

My eyelids that were drooping and leaden with sleep snap open as violently as if I'd been woken by the raid sirens wailing. I look at my surroundings to see where I am because I can't be this comfortable unless I'm dead. Am I dead?

I attempt to lift my head up but the throbbing pain stops me as the world spins. I look down at my body to see that it was mostly covered with makeshift medical cloths and large leaves.

A small groan leaves my mouth as I attempt to stretch my aching body. A small figure enters the hut I am in and comes to sit beside me.

"Hello," I say but it only came out as a whisper.

She doesn't reply as she attempts to help me up into a sitting position. My body begs for me to lie back down but the thoughts running through my mind forces me to take action. Will power, never been stronger.

I look up to see a hint of moonlight cracking through the opening of the tipi and I turn to see the girl wetting a cloth and handing it to me.

"Thanks," I say grabbing the cloth and using it to wipe my face. The cool, rough texture rubbing against my skin refreshing me from my slumber.

"Can I leave?" I ask pointing towards the exit. She stares at where I pointed for a while before attempting to help me get up.

I move the tapestry aside and step out onto the wooden dock. My bare feet touching the rough wood and the moonlight shining across the entire village making it glow. I take a whiff of fresh air that was long delayed and look to see that the rest of the people were in their own huts. Sleeping the morning tiredness away.

"Can we go over there?" I ask my voice still hoarse from lack of use. I point towards the edge of the dock far away from the huts and tipis. The area where man meets mother nature's artwork.

We slowly walk towards the edge of the dock, the little girl supporting me by holding my arm. When we got to the edge the water was so peaceful and quiet and I can see my own reflection through the clear water.

My hair is no longer slick but a little curly and I seem to be wearing a really large shirt that covers up to my mid thigh. There are medical cloths wrapped all around my arms and the shin of my right leg. I slowly put my hand under my shirt and feel the tight cloth wrapped around my stomach. I let out a sigh and slowly sit down, letting my legs dangle off the edge and touching the water. The cool water brings ease to my feet and giving me a pleasurable feeling of relaxation.

"It's gettings late you should get some sleep," I tell the girl while looking out to the beautiful scenery in front of me. From the corner of my eye, I see the girl nod and run back towards the village.

The moon is still high in the sky indicating we still have a lot of time until the morning. I start humming a familiar tune and just look back and enjoy the view. Memorizing each and every detail of the exotic island one last time like it can disappear any second.

"It's funny. The most dangerous places are always the most beautiful" a familiar voice says from behind me.

"For once, you might be right" I respond slowly lying down on my back resting my head on my of my hands. I close my eyes wincing in pain slightly as I wiggle around trying to be more comfortable.

"Shhhhh. Stay still, you'll hurt yourself" He says bending down to lie beside me.

"Ummm sorry who are you? What have you done to my beloved Cap? Remove the stick from high up his ass?" I say smiling, closing my eyes. Conrad chuckles as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his embrace. My head resting on his chest, one of his arm wraps around my waist and one lays on my arm. His thumb creating circular motions on my hand.

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