Chapter 5: Yes Ma'am

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Grace's POV

I look around making sure no one else is following me and I slowly start to open one of the crates. After a few tries it finally cracks and reveals what's inside. The bomb they were going to use to "map the island seismographically". It is truly a beautiful invention I thought as I analyze the technology. I pull out my sketch book and sit crossed-leg on the ground and start to sketch out a diagram of the bomb. Trying to capture every aspect of it's design. A few strands of my hair continuously fall into my face but my mind kept thinking of new ideas and new theories that I barely had time to tuck them behind my ear.

I hear a few rustles here and there but I don't care enough to look at where the sounds came from. These machines used to measure and analyze the bedrock and such can do more harm to the environment than analyze it. As I was about to look into another crate a nasty voice spoke behind me.

"Hey there pretty lil' thing what are you doing here?" I pretend to gulp and feign fear but really I just really wanted to continue my investigation.

"Well nothing until you showed up" I say flirtatiously reeling him into my trap. He seems to have dropped his guard as he takes a confident stride towards me.

"Is that so?" He replies cockily. Gotcha

"Why yes, I was getting kind of bored being here all by myself" I say touching his chest. I don't know where but I hear a faint growl somewhere but I ignore the sound.

" Well them let me show you a good time" He says taking a step closer.  I then kicked him in the place where no man should be kicked and take one of his hands yanking it behind his back until he was whimpering and I slam him into another crate.

Both of my hands grasping his uniform on his chest and slightly lifting him off the ground. He was still too shocked to comprehend what was happening and I give him a menacing stare.

"Listen here kid, never cat-call a woman because it will always end up bad for you. Clear?" I almost growl at the last sentence. Crashing him into the crate once more. Fear shown clearly on his face as he quickly nods his head.

"Good, now you go run off and tell no-one about our encounter. If you do I will find you-" I lean in closer to his ear feeling him shake under me.

"-and I will end you." I whisper smirking the last part. I drop him and he falls to the floor and quickly scurries off.

"pathetic" I snap as he runs off.

I return back to the open crate and pick up my note book. I here some hush whispers a few crates down.

"It's not nice to spy" I say turning my head towards the sound and I stare at it with the most unamused look only face.

"H-hello, how did you know we are here?" one voice said stepping into the light. It's her. The photographer. I like her.

"We are going to be the best of friends" I say smirking at her

"hey look! You dragged the devil with you as well" I say overly excited like how someone would greet a puppy as I see the second voice step out of the shadows.

"well hello to you too angel" He says as he walks to stand beside the photographer. I roll my eyes at him and I turn towards the photographer sticking out my hand.

"The name's Grace. Grace Barnes." I say

"Mason. Mason Weaver" she replies taking my hands in hers

"Hey don't touch that!" I say returning my attention to the Captain. Who is now annoyingly reading my notebook. I reach to get it but he raises it out of my reach. Determined to not giving him the satisfactory of watching me beg for it,  I stand back and glare at him.

What were they even doing here? I hope they weren't doing the nasty. That thought just boils my blood as I glare at him. Mason takes a step towards him and takes my notebook out of his hands. Oh thank goodness, I was about to take it from her only for her to do the same as Cap.

"You have the most beautiful hand writing I have ever seen" she says in awe while using her finger to skim through the words and continuously flip through the pages. 

"This isn't show and tell, hun" I say crossing my arms in front of my chest and tapping my foot rapidly.

"Calm down angel" the Cap says as he looks at my drawings and notes beside Mason.

"You aren't gonna keep calling me that are you, Cap" I ask venomously

"yes ma'am" he says winking at me and handing me back my notebook. I grab it quickly, hugging it to my chest.

"At least I know that I'm not the only one thinking that MONARCH is hiding something from us" Mason says

"Exactly, if they were really about finding a new uncharted island then they wouldn't be harm the island would they? They also wouldn't need to load this much amo if we are just frolicking in the forests. We wouldn't need this many weapons or this many soldiers if we were up against wildlife or something." I say analyzing the other crates with the bold stamp that states 'fragile'

"fair point" she responds. She then looks up at me and then to Cap curiously.

"do you two know each other?"

"sadly, yes" I respond

"Really, I bet you don't even know my name" Cap smirks

"It's irrelevant" I say turning around and leaving hiding my tinted pink cheeks

"It's Captain James Conrad" He shouts chuckling

"I R R E L E V A N T" I banter back, hiding the growing smile on my face.

Authors note:

I don't know if I should do more Conrad POVs or not so comment if you would want more Conrad POVs

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