Chapter 3 (Page 2)

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Lyrically speaking love & bliss is all psychological, like one story Ezekiel forgot to mention in his earlier chapters about Debbie. She was the most childish female Ezekiel has ever been with, it was like he was playing with an actual toy that you can wind up & let it move on it's own. Debbie was so mean to him through the years never knew she would change her ways now. One day she notices Ezekiel on the bus & wanted to catch up for old time sake, so Ezekiel  didn't mind because he also wanted to catch up with her. Before getting any further Debbie body was way better then before so all Ezekiel thought about was lust he didn't really wanna be with her, until they started catching up then he started feeling her. He sat down & really listened to her & figured out that he wasn't going be happy with her so he stop putting in effort & later their friendship gets left behind. Ezekiel doesn't care really because he would be stressing all day everyday with that girl so he took it as if he dodged a huge bullet. This was the time period when Ezekiel wasn't really taking his time when trying to find true bliss he was just rushing in every relationship he had with every female, to him it was all about how many females he could get, until he actually fell for Zoe & she dodged him & he fell on his face so I guess that was payback. Sometimes he asks himself is he crazy for still wanting to be with her after everything that happened ? Ezekiel would be ok if he didn't have to see her every day but it's hard to forget about her when she's right their in his presence.

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