It seems like the guys that really wanna be their for their girlfriend be the ones who get hurt the most. For example this generation is already messed up as it is the girls nowadays want guys that trap, don't go to school, guys that's in & out of jail, & etc. It seems as if they want to say RIP or Free they dude it's just not clear to Ezekiel why is it so accurate in this generation. Boys that are different like Ezekiel gets a bad rep, they get fucked over, their heart broken, lied to, & many more disturbing things. Ezekiel just doesn't get the world, girls go after the most dumbest guys & wonder why they get hurt; then when the next guy come around that may be the one for her she end up doing him dirty because of what the recent one did to her it's just completely barbaric. In the city Ezekiel lives in it's not possible to find bliss because all the guys want is vagina & all the girls want is materials, attention, & your money, we are basically using each other if you really think about it. If he gives u what u want, you will give him what he wants type of thing it's all a big coincidence. Ezekiel doesn't wanna get close to anyone's daughter because in the beginning it's all sweet then the true feelings come out when u get into an argument. How do you leave when you get into a lil argument imagine getting into a huge argument then what you not going to claim that person anymore. It's just so crazy how the world is around us, I know that person been hurt plenty of times but that don't mean to plan to hurt the upcoming people your going to mess with in the future. How do u plan to hurt somebody before you even get to know the person it's just ridiculous.