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So many thoughts went flooding through my head. What if she didn't want to see me? What if she had moved on? I know her letter said differently but maybe she didn't even write it. Maybe it was Heather that did it. I mean Duke is a bitch who's desperately trying to prove herself, it wouldn't be an out of character move. I shook the nerves off and took my normal route to Veronica's room. It was nearly sunrise so I was hoping that her parents wouldn't be awake yet.

climbed up the drainpipe and half way up I could hear muffled crying. I started climbing up faster and then saw a sight I never wanted to see. Veronica was sitting on her bed crying her eyes out. I skipped the quirky intro, opened the window and rushed right into her room. "Ronnie." I said in a hushed tone as I climbed onto the bed and held her. She grabbed my arms and wrapped them tighter around her waist and snuggled up to me. "JD?" She sniffled. God I hated seeing her cry. And I hated it even more when I was the reason she was. "It's me darling. It's me." | mumbled into her neck as I started rocking her back and forwards, hoping that it would calm her down. "Why are you here?" She whispered to me. She was taking this whole experience quite well. Last time I showed up through her window I was planning on killing her because she refused to follow through with my plan. Insane? Yes, but I've grown as a person since then. "Because I love you. Veronica I came all this way for you." I told her softly. I was never good at expressing my emotions but with her it came off as something I've been doing my whole life. "Thank you." She broke free of my grip and then turned around to face me. Her beautiful brown eyes filled with tears was a sight I had never wanted to see. She pushed a part of her brown hair behind her ear and that's when I saw it. wrist which looked like it had fresh blood on it and near it.

"Veronica what is that?" I asked her, my voice was shaking because I knew what it was, I knew that story all too well. I just didn't want it to be true. Not her. "Nothing. Nothing." She mumbled as she pulled the sleeve of the coat down and tried to avoid eye contact with me. "Veronica. Answer me. Now." I demanded, I could feel my blood boiling. My thoughts on what the small cut was grew larger and became more definite on what it was. "JD leave it alone." She spat at me as she tried to turn away from me. Who the fuck did she think she was? She should know that if I say something it's happening. I know that this isn't healthy and I know this is what I need to change if I want to be with Veronica but at this point of time, I just let the rage take over. I grabbed her arm tight enough that she couldn't get out of my grip if she tried and lifted up the sleeve. "What the fuck? " I yelled to her as my eyes filled up with tears. I didn't care if I woke up her parents, hell I didn't care if the whole neighborhood could hear, her whole arm was covered in cuts both old and new. I let go of her arm and watched her roll down her sleeve and began to cry. Shit. I couldn't be weak in a time like this, not in front of her. " I don't know." She whispered. When I first met Veronica, hell when I first saw Veronica I knew I never wanted to see her in pain. "Veronica please. Let me in." I told her as I put my hand on her face and wiped away her tears with my thumb.

That's when her face changed from sadness to just pure anger. "Are you fucking kidding me?" She spat at me, what just happened? How did we go from a cute moment where I'm her protector, the love of her life to her being pissed? "I have to live with everything you did Jason, I have to live with knowing that I was the last person three people saw before they died. My friends died because of you Jason. Because of your bullshit judgment system. I can't sleep without seeing their deaths on repeat, I have to live knowing that if I didn't stop you everyone would be dead. I should be dead Jason." Everything she was saying was true but for some reason I couldn't agree, this wasn't the way I was planning on this going. Where was the I love you? I traveled all this way to see her, she should at least acknowledge that. We did the right thing, they deserved to die. Veronica was special, that's why she lived. "So what? You're just going to hate me for the rest of your life? You don't love me any more? We did that Veronica, you wanted it to. You can sit here and pretend you didn't but I did everything for you. You." I didn't want to be yelling at her, this wasn't the plan but here we were, fighting like old times. I tried so hard to change and put this bullshit behind us but yet it kept haunting me. Yes, we did kill a few people but they deserved it. Why couldn't she just understand? If she did, she'd be so much happier with life. " Of course I fucking love you Jason! That's why I'm so fucked in the head. I shouldn't be. Something is wrong. I love you and I'm willing to forgive you but I shouldn't." She was so flustered, I'd never seen her like this before. She was such a strong woman and here she was, an emotional wreck. I didn't know how to feel. It certainly wasn't attractive, it wasn't what I fell for. What was wrong with me? Here she is, the love of my life, talking about taking her life and I was considering if I thought that was attractive or not. I thought I was changing but clearly not.

We sat there for a few minutes in complete silence except for a few sniffles that Veronica would let out every now and then. "So, you love me?" I asked. If we were going to talk I needed it to be now. I did still have the cops looking for me and if I didn't go to prom I at least needed to know if I had a girlfriend or not. "Yeah. Clearly. I've been going fucking insane since you left. You control me JD. You fucking killed three people and here I am wondering if you're still my boyfriend." Veronica said, her voice barely above a whisper. Was she ashamed to love me? That's a stupid thought, I know she was. She just screamed it for the world to hear how much she doesn't want to love me but here we were. My plan got a little fucked up but it's ending exactly the way I want. "I am your boyfriend Veronica, I don't take no for an answer. Just let me prove to you that we can move on and be normal." I wasn't pleading, nor was I begging for her to take me back. For the first time I knew I was getting my way without having to emotionally manipulate someone because I knew she wanted this as well. I was calm, I was collected. I was getting my girlfriend back. "And how do you plan on doing that?" She muttered, still not facing me. I wanted to grab her and make her look at me, it was disrespectful that she wouldn't even look at her boyfriend. I would do anything for her and she wouldn't even look at me. At least she stopped crying. "Well, I figured that prom is tomorrow night. We could get all dressed up, swing by, look at the school gym all prettied up and just be normal." I explained, I knew she would adore that. I wasn't manipulating her into going, I just knew what words to say. Completely different. Healthy even. I know I'm capable of change, hopefully she'll see it as well. "You? At prom? I highly doubt it." She scoffed, it was clear only one of us was making an effort but that's okay because I know she'll come around. " I shall pick you up at seven tomorrow night. Get yourself dolled up. I'll see you then." I figured if I didn't give her a choice, she couldn't object. I only had a certain amount of time to get everything ready and I couldn't waste anymore having this stupid argument any longer. "Alright, see you tomorrow JD. Should be fun." Finally she looked up at me as she talked to me. Her voice lowered back down to a whisper but progress. Usually I'd go in for a kiss but I didn't want to risk anything. I got off her bed and then made my usual way out of her room.

I made my way down the street extremely happy with the way that turned out. Sure it didn't go exactly the way I wanted it but I got my end result. I knew I would. I opened the car door and slid back into my seat. "What now?" Yasmin yawned. I guess I woke them up, I had been gone for a while, the sun was beaming in the sky and people were starting to make their way to school. "We need to go get a suit and then maybe to a florist and we also need to phone my dad so he can call off the missing persons so I can go to prom without being arrested." I told them. We had a busy day ahead of us but I knew with friends like these and a girlfriend who was a borderline perfectionist I could be steered in the right direction. "Okay let's go." Jessie smiled as we started our journey to the perfect prom and to my perfect relationship. 

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