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Veronica Sawyer

"Just tell me, is he okay?" I asked the doctor for the millionth time. God why won't he listen to me? It had been hours since Jason had been rushed in and no one had heard anything. The only thing I had heard was that they called his dad. "Miss Sawyer, we are not here to talk about your boyfriend, we are here to talk about you." The doctor groaned, I don't care if he was frustrated with me. I didn't care about anything, nothing in this world matters. I needed to know if JD was going to live. "I am fine. If you want me to get better you'll tell me what the fuck is going on with Jason Dean." I snapped at him. I was sick of being in this hospital, I was sick of this room. They didn't bother to hook me up back on the drips because they knew I was just going to rip them out again. "He's in a serious condition. There's a strong possibility he won't make it." He told me. What? No that can't be. He had to be okay. This wasn't the way it was supposed to end. I instantly broke down in tears and hugged my pillow. I've had enough. "I'm sorry miss. Now can we please discuss your treatment?" He asked. I decided to give him a break and actually let him do his job cause if Jason did die, I'm gonna need all the help I can get.

"And do you have any questions?" He asked me as he wrote something down. Stay here for a few more nights for observation, see a therapist, take the prescribed medication and come back once a month to debrief how the medication is until they decide that I'm not going to do it again. That was it. Simple, easy, incredibly unnecessary. My mind couldn't stop thinking about JD however. Was this my fault? Maybe I led him on too much, maybe I should have kicked him out when he first came back. That way he wouldn't be on the verge of death, he could be in Vegas hanging out with these sudden new friends. He could be thriving and doing something with his life. "No, I'm good." I sighed. I couldn't think of anything but JD. The doctor smiled at me and then left the room leaving me all alone once again. I couldn't focus on anything, a million thoughts were running through my mind. God what I would do for just a moment of silence. Who would shoot Jason? If his friends were there why didn't they shoot his friends? Was it a mugging gone horribly wrong? Was it targeted? I know Jason didn't have many friends but surely nobody would try to kill him. They had no reason. All of this was so confusing, why was this my life?

"Watch it!" A voice called out which snapped me out of my thoughts. Oh, at least there's something else for me to focus on. Maybe this will drain out all my millions of other thoughts. I looked at where the noise was coming from and saw a girl with a blonde ponytail. She was small and unfamiliar, she definitely didn't go to Westerburg. "I'm sorry." Another voice said. I knew that voice. It was Heather McNamara, she had left to get me some clean clothes and other essentials for me an hour ago. "Tall girl dressed in all yellow. McNamara, head cheerleader. The suicidal sunflower herself." The smaller blonde smirked. How did she know that? Maybe she did go to our school? There's no way that would just be public knowledge. I wanted to get up and investigate but this wasn't my conversation to have. All I could do is be ready to have to get up and intervene if needed. "How do you know me? " Heather, she sounded emotional. I couldn't believe a random stranger would just say that kind of shit, maybe there was a conversation beforehand that I didn't hear. Right? There had to be some kind of build up, no normal person would just jump into that conversation. " I know a lot of things about Westerberg High. Maybe we should have a conversation at some point about exactly what I know." She smirked, I could tell Heather was about to say something but then was cut off by the smaller blonde walking away.

Heather entered the room and gave me a small smile. "Hey Veronica. You didn't hear any of that did you? " She asked as she put down my bag on the chair beside my bed. I didn't return the smile she gave me back and sighed "All of it." I answered. I wasn't in the mood for dancing around the subject. "I'm sorry she was just being a bitch." She sighed as she sat down on my bed. Wait. She talked as if she knew the person who was being a bitch. So she did go to our school? I'm so confused and I just want answers. "Heather, did you know her?" I asked her. I then saw her look away to the other side of the room. That was a yes, Heather McNamara has always been a liar. "No." She said quietly. Shit Heather, stop lying to me. I couldn't fucking take another liar. "Heather, you're lying to me. I just want someone to tell me the truth for once." I yelled, I felt like I was being treated like a crazy person. I was so sick of people just lying to me and treating me like I was a fucking child. "Well I'm technically not. I don't know, she was hanging out with the guys that took Jason to the hospital. She said her name was Charlie or something. I got a really bad vibe from her." She explained. Seriously? So Jason knew the girl he cheated on me with. He was friends with her, was this some kind of a sick joke? What the actual fuck? "Yeah no wonder you got a bad vibe from her. She was at the prom, she was Dennis' last minute prom date. She kissed Jason." I explained, it had occurred to me that I never actually explained to Heather what happened at prom. The cheerleader gasped loudly and leaned forward. "Shut the actual fuck up. No way! He kissed someone else. Jesus christ, now I can see why you told him to get lost." I bit my lip gently when she said that last part. I know I'm well within my reasons to do what I did but it didn't make it hurt less. For once, I was the problem. "Why don't you get some rest Veronica? It's been a stressful day. I'll be in tomorrow." The blonde smiled at me. I was lucky to have a friend like her, at least that aspect of my life was normal. "Yeah, you're right, I'll see you later." I mumbled as I relaxed myself and shut my eyes. I couldn't wait for all of this to be over.

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