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"Holy shit! Both of them? You've got to be kidding." Heather Duke exclaimed. With both JD and Veronica in the hospital I really had no one to talk to. "Yeah, both of them. JD got shot, you know." I told her as I played with the phone chord. "They'll be the most popular kids in school." She said. Usually she would be excited maybe even jealous that Veronica was beating her in the game she called popularity. But if anything she sounded like she was actually sad that they were in pain. "Heather, do you like being popular?" I asked her already knowing the answer. She loved the attention, she loved being number 1. "Yes and No. I don't wanna be a bitch but at the same time. Who's gonna run the school? " She sighed. Wait, did she just say she didn't want to be a bitch? So she basically told me to kill myself just so she could continue to run the school even though she didn't want to. "Heather principals are supposed to run the schools that's their jobs. Come sit with me and Martha next week." I told her. I'm hoping that Veronica and JD will be joining us but the way that's going. Probably not gonna happen. "Alright. That sounds good. Hey I gotta go. I'll see ya at school. Thanks Heather." She sighed. I think I just changed Heather Duke. "It's all good. I'll see ya tomorrow." After saying I hung up the phone and looked around my bedroom. Once again I was home alone tonight and it scared me. I never liked being home alone but with mom out of town and dad always working late nights. I had no where to go. Usually I would go to Heather Chandler's place but I can't since she died.

 I couldn't help but think of what Veronica was saying. "I think she's involved." I mean it would make sense that Charlie would shoot JD. I mean he rejected her, well than again it was for his girlfriend but still. Also how did she know about me being suicidal? Someone must have told her. Probably Dennis. Mouthy little fuck. That's when I heard a knock on my door. Oh shit. It was 10 pm and there was a knock at the door. I felt my heart beat instantly speed up. I slowly exited my bedroom and headed for my dad's study room which was down the hall. When I entered the room I went over to his desk and opened up one of the doors. There sat his pistol that he always kept for emergencies. I grabbed the gun and stuffed it in the pocket of my pajama pants. I then started to slowly made my way downstairs. I looked through the peep hole and then saw a face I didn't want to see at my front door steps. "Open up bitch I know you're here." A voice called out. I let out a deep sigh and then did what she wanted.

"Finally it was freezing out there." She scoffed as she entered my house.  I shut the door behind and glared at her. "What is your damage? First you attack me in the hospital and now you're in my home? What did I do to you? " I asked her as I watched her pace around the living room. I didn't trust this bitch, not one little bit. "Oh it's not what you've done to me but what you've done to Veronica." She laughed. This chick was a psycho,what the hell was she going on about? "A little birdie told me that you were in the same American History class." She said in a sing song voice as she picked up a picture of me when I was like four. "This little birdie really likes talking." I mumbled to myself. I just wanted to actually find out who this little birdie is, so I could kill them. "Well this little birdie told me a very interesting story." She said putting down the picture and smirking at me. Oh shit. If she's talking to the person I think she's talking to. "Charlie. You don't understand it was a mistake." I told her. God how I wish I could just grab the gun, shoot her and run away. But I'm not murder, unlike her.

"So it was a mistake to fuck your best friend's boyfriend? Tell me how long did your little romance go on behind Veronica's back?" She somewhat laughed. I wanted to slap her so bad but she could destroy me as soon as she left. "It's not what you think. We didn't even do it." I tried to reason to her but she wasn't interested. "So you just fooled around once or twice? For some reason I don't believe you." She smirked as she started walking  towards me. I can't believe Heather fucking told her. Is that why Heather was acting so differently on the phone? "It was a mistake. We were just a bunch of drunk horny teenagers." I said trying not to cry. If Veronica ever found out it would destroy her and I can't be the reason for that. "So you fucked your best friend's boyfriend. You're a bitch, a slut but most importantly you're a Heather. Always has and always will." She said in a harsh whisper. Why was she so determined to hurt me?  Is this What Veronica felt like with Heather Chandler?

"Charlie go home." I said trying to put on a brave front. I was scared out of my mind and I had no idea what to do. She then did the unimaginable. She pulled out a pocket knife on me. "Listen up you little slut. I want JD. I want him more than you can ever imagine. And you having once fucked him makes you a problem. So I'll have to eliminate you as well." She laughed. Wait. If she wanted JD then why did she shoot him. Unless she didn't? Then took a stab at me but missed and only cut me. It was deep but not deep enough to be lethal in any way it still hurt like a bitch though.

"You god damn bitch!" I yelled at her as I put my hand on where the blood was coming from. She then start laughing and knocked me to the ground. She then got me again but in the arm. I began to scream and cry in pain which just made her laugh. I then reached for my pocket and pulled out the gun. I then shut my eyes tight and pulled the trigger.

Charlie then fell to the floor bleeding pretty god damn fucking badly. "Don't worry honey, they were just some ich luge bullets I stole off JD." I smiled at her. She then started having trouble breathing and red liquid started coming out of her mouth. "You bitch." She began to cry. Oh shit I couldn't let her die. I then ran to the phone and called 911. "Yes hello? I l've been involved in a fight. One of us got shot and is bleeding really badly and I've been stabbed. I'm at 36 Evergreen terrace. Please hurry." I told them quickly as I hung up the phone. I then rushed back to Charlie and put pressure on her wound. Now her blood was on my hands. Literally.

The ambulance soon came and took us to the hospital. I didn't have to go in straight away so I decided to see Veronica. I walked into her room and saw her her hugging her pillow and a doctor next to her trying to comfort her. "Veronica." I said softly. I couldn't look at her after what Charlie and I talked about. "It's JD." She sobbed as she got a tighter grip on the pillow. "What about him? "

A/N. Cliffhanger!  DA DA DAAAAHHH. will Charlie make it?  What happened to JD? Will Heather ever tell Veronica and her and JD?  Find out next time!

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