I knocked on her door and tried to neaten my suit up. God did I look okay? Was I doing this whole prom thing right? Now more than ever I was wishing my mother was here. "Jason?" Ms Sawyer asked. She was clearly shocked to see me, fair enough. Last time I saw her I told her Veronica was falsely going to kill herself. "Yeah I'm Veronica's prom date." I told her awkwardly. God I hope I was doing this right. I never did like parents, for obvious reasons. This was my first high school dance so I had no idea. "Yes, well Veronica is just finishing up. We'll take photos once she's down. Please come in." She explained. This was also a first. I had never actually made my way in through the front door, even during the last encounter I was left outside. It was odd and I didn't like it. "Veronica, Jason is here!" She called out. Wow today was a day for firsts. First time I've been called Jason in this household without being screamed at. I looked around the picture perfect household, family photos were perfectly placed to match the antique decor. "Coming!" She yelled back. I walked forwards so I was at the end of the staircase and then saw the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Veronica came down with her hair curled, in a black cardigan and her blue dress with some black heels, I was speechless. "Veronica." I managed to get out. I put my hand out for her to grab which she happily took. "You look good." She blushed at me. No I didn't. I looked like a landfill compared to her, she was my sun, my moon, my life. She was everything. "You're absolutely just wow." I stumbled. I wasn't one to be lost with words but the way she looked tonight, I felt like I might never speak again. "Okay kids let's take photos. The lighting is just right. Veronica take that sweater off, you don't need it." Ms Sawyer told us. Veronica and I did what she said and followed her into the living room. She managed to cover her arms so her mother wouldn't see what she had done. I usually hated photos but Veronica looking like that is something I wanna see forever.

After all the photos were done I drove Veronica to the prom which was held in the crappy school gym. "You ready?" I asked her as I parked the car. She took my hand and smiled, there's that beautiful energy I've missed. She was strong, she was confident again. She was the girl I fell in love with. "Only if you are. " God I wanted to kiss her so badly right now but we should probably take things slow and rebuild what we have, let her see how much I've changed for her. We got out of the car and entered the gym hand in hand. "Holy shit! Veronica!" A familiar voice called out, oh how I haven't missed her friends. Heather McNamara came hand in hand with her date. A small boy that I have never seen before, maybe a new kid. Maybe some rich kid in the grade under us, whoever he was, he looked excited to be with her. Her dress was nice, a skin tight yellow dress, I'm guessing Heather Duke made her wear it. Speaking of the bitch, where was she? My best guess is bribing people to vote for her for prom queen. "Heather hey. You look really good. It's been a while, I'm sorry." Veronica smiled as she let go of my hand to hug her. It's been a while? Has Veronica been skipping school? No, she can't be, Heather skipping class. "JD you look good as well! " Heather then moved on to hug me. Okay this was odd, I didn't think we were on speaking terms. I gave her an awkward hug and then we all stood in silence. Well not really silence as the music was blaring in the background. "I guess I better find Heather. I'll see you later." She smiled before walking off with her date. If one Heather had to live, I would want it to be McNamara, she was always different like Veronica. She had a lot of potential if she ever decided to change. "Wanna sit down?" I asked her over the loud and well shitty music. She nodded her head and we went off to find where our table was.

"You okay? " I asked her. It had been ten minutes since we sat down and all we did was make light talk. I thought we were supposed to be perfect and in love. Why wasn't she acting like it? "Yeah it's just. I'm not really feeling comfortable here. I feel like everyone is looking at me." he told me as she grabbed my hand. I then wrapped my arm around her neck and she started playing with my fingers. She didn't deserve to feel like this. This was supposed to be the best night of her life or some bullshit. "You wanna bail then? I know a good 7/11." I mumbled to her as I kissed the top of her head, hoping she'd say yes. I made my public appearance, I put in the effort, there's no point in making us both suffer. "Nah we might as well stick around for the announcement of the pron King and Queen." She told me. It was nice she wanted to be here but it sucked she didn't want to enjoy it. Hopefully the night wouldn't drag on forever and we'd be home before we'd know it. "Well I'm gonna get a drink. You want something? " I asked her as I removed my arm from her shoulders. Was she even going to try and make an effort to be happy? We started off so good, this is why I hated this school. It made my girlfriend miserable. They deserved to die, but I was a different man. "Try to get as much as you can from the bottom. That's where all the booze has gone." She informed me. Wow, getting a science lesson on prom night. That's gotta be a first.

I got up and made my way to the punch bowl but someone grabbed my hand and stopped me. "Veronica?" I asked as I turned around to see who was grabbing me. At first I didn't recognise the petite woman but when she spoke that's when it hit me. "Jason." Charlie smiled at me. What, why was she here? Surely she can't be and I was just imagining her but why would I be thinking of her? "Charlie, what are you doing here? This is a prom." I told her. Luckily the music wasn't too loud so I didn't have to yell for her to hear me. "Oh I'm with this real nice boy called Dennis." She told me. Of course she would be with Dennis. He was such a fucking little dick head wanna be. Even dated Chandler once and then milked the shit out of her death. "Well okay." I simply said as I went back to getting my drink but she just pulled me right back around.

"Jason we both know we don't want to be here with our dates." She whispered to me as she put my hands on her waist and her arms around my neck. This was getting really weird. Really fast. I tried to push her off and go back to Veronica but she wouldn't let me. "Jason. We all know you don't actually love Veronica." She said in a harsh tone. What was she going on about? Was she okay? "Charlie you're drunk okay? Go find Dennis." I instructed her as I pulled her away from me but that only made her pull close to me. Within seconds I had a pair of unfamiliar lips on mine and the weirdest part was that I couldn't taste any booze on her breath. I tried to pull her away but her grip on me got tighter as her fingers started to entwine in my hair. For a second I got caught up in the moment. Someone wanted me. Charlie was throwing herself at me, she clearly needed me. But I loved Veronica, I was a good man now. Two weeks ago I would have taken her somewhere private, got my fun and gone back to Veronica like nothing had even happened but I was a changed man. I pushed her off of me but she just bounced right back and seconds later I heard a lot of sobbing noise and people whispering. That's when I got really pissed cause I knew what just happened. I pushed Charlie off of me and basically knocked her to the ground. I turned around to where the crying sound was coming from but all I could see was a blue dress running away from where I was.


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