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Two years had passed since JD and I broke up. I hated every single day of it and not one of them did I not think of death. But I kept my promise to JD and didn't hurt myself. Instead I got help, got proper treatment and now was living the best life I could. Well the best life I could without JD that is. I missed him like crazy, but he clearly didn't miss me. Last I heard he was in a happy relationship with Heather. I'm sad to say I don't know which one. I sorta lost contact with everyone I went to high school with.

I walked the halls of Remington University. That's right I Veronica Sawyer didn't end up going to Harvard, Duke or Brown. I had the intelligence to go there, they told me that. It was just because of what happend in my senior year they didn't want me. So here I was at Remington with all these assholes. I also didn't end up studying law like everyone wanted me to, I decided to do a course in writing. It was much more fun and relaxing than law anyways. I walked down the hallway and then saw someone I used to know. I had no idea weather I should call out or just walk away and always be wondering what if.

"Veronica!" He called out to me. Thank you Jesus. I smiled as I started walking over to him. "Hey JD. How are you?" I asked, actually a bit shock to see him here. He never striked me as a person who wanted to go to collage. "I'm good. I just finished class. How are you?" He responded. The way we talked, even those few words was as if we never broke up, as if he never got shot, as if prom night never happened and as if no one ever died. "I'm doing pretty good. I just finished class as well." I smiled to him. God I want to hug him so badly. "I'm glad of that. Um hey if you're free anytime you wanna go grab a coffee?" He asked. Wait. Did he mean this in a friendly way? He had to. He was in a relationship. Wasn't he?  "Um yeah no I would love that. I'm actually free now if you wanna go." She smiled. She hadn't truly done that in a long while. "Yeah. Nah I know this great little place just around the corner, I'll drive." He told me. Drive? He never said drive, he always said ride. "Still rocking the bad boy motorbike?" I laughed, he and that were inseparable. Well they were. "No. No. I traded that up last year for a really crappy Volvo." He laughed. Of course he traded it up. Damn as much as I hated that bike, I'm gonna miss it. "Oh okay." I mumbled as he lead me to the car park.

We shortly arrived at the small cafe  and I instantly knew the place. "We've been here before." I said as I got out of the car and looked around at the not so busy cafe. "Yeah our fourth date. Not that I was counting or anything." He mumbled as he got out as well. Wait, he kept count? Even as a bad boy? We sat at a table for two outside and I read over the menu. It was nice to be here with him again but he had a girlfriend, didn't he? " What do you want?" He asked as he placed the menu down. "I want answers." I said as I placed down my menu as well. He sighed and then looked at me with a blank face.

"There's nothing to ask. You broke up with me. I understand why you did as well so I'm not mad." He said. I felt horrible about the way we ended and I wanted to fix it but I didn't have the guts to do it. "Why am I here? Why did you invite me? Aren't you dating Heather?" I questioned him. I couldn't tell if I wanted him to be dating or not be dating Heather. "I have no idea what I was doing. We did date yeah for like two months but I wasn't happy. I want you Veronica. Not sexually but I just want you." He told me. This was the moment I had been waiting for. For two years I've wanted to hear those words and now that they were here she had no idea what to do or say. "I" That's all I could get out. He looked at me and grabbed my hand. "I've wanted to hear that for two years now." I confessed to him.

We sat in a silence that wasn't awkward but wasn't exactly pleasant. "So what dose this mean?" He asked finally breaking the silence. I bit my bottom lip and looked at the ground. "I guess maybe we could get back together?" I said trying to hide any sign of emotions. "Veronica nothing would make me happier than for us to get back together." He told me. I looked up and made eye contact with him. God how I missed him. I know JD will never be JD again but after these past two years I didn't really care. I just needed him and I was willing to settle for semi psychotic instead of full psychotic. "I would really like that to." I smiled to him as I gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

This moment right here. This perfect moment. It seemed like prom night never happened, like Charlie never happened. It made all the bad shit go away and it replaced it with everything right in this world. I had only just reconnected with Jason Dean and already I could tell I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I was about to speak up but he spoke up first.

"I love you Veronica Sawyer."
" I love you more Jason Dean."

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