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No this couldn't be happening. Not on the night which was supposed to be the best night of our lives. Fuck why do I sound like a stupid fucking teenager when there's bigger shit going on. I pushed past people looking for Veronica like crazy but no luck. "Martha!" I called out. The larger lady turned around and looked at me with disgust. "Martha. Have you seen Veronica?" I puffed. I swear to god if she did anything because of that stupid fucking stunt that Charlie pulled, I would kill her. I can't believe Charlie would do that to me. She knew how much I loved Veronica. Hell if Veronica did something or not she would still be dead to me. "Why the fuck do you care? " She spat at me. This was the first time I had ever heard Martha cuss and I totally deserved it. I was the worst person alive. "Martha. Have you seen her? Please, I need her." I said getting a tad bit emotional. I needed to know at the very least that she was okay and wasn't planning on doing something she'd regret. "No, I didn't see where she went. But I can tell she doesn't want to see you. You kissed someone else at prom JD! " She exclaimed. Shit blonde hair, pretty blue eyes and thought they were better than everyone. Shit. Charlie was Heather. I kissed a Heather at the prom right in front of her. "Martha. Can you please check the girls bathroom for me? Please." I begged her. She sighed and then led me to the girls toilets.

"'You stay here." She told me. I nodded my head and watched her go in. Within a heartbeat | heard an ear piercing scream. I rushed into the bathroom and felt tears soon flood my face. "VERONICA!" I screamed as I knelt down beside her. Shit. She was unconscious and bleeding badly. "Martha don't just fucking stand there, go get a teacher, 911 or fucking anyone else." I yelled at her. I didn't mean to yell but at this current point of time I didn't have any other choice. She followed my instructions and left the bathroom leaving me and a dying Veronica alone. "Shit Ronnie." I cried as I took off my jacket. I tore a piece of fabric off and wrapped it around her wrist. How did she do this? Shit it didn't matter how she did it, all it mattered was that she did. Veronica just tried to kill herself because of me. "Ronnie. Come on darling, stay with me. Come on, you can't leave me." I cried even harder. It then suddenly reminded me of when I was in her position. She stopped me from setting off that bomb, she cried and begged me to stop. She stayed with me until I passed out from exhaustion. She did that for me when I didn't deserve it, I put her through that much pain that all of it led to this. A fucking sick version of what goes around comes around. "Ronnie, it's gonna be okay. You're gonna get help and then I'm gonna make this up to you." I said, I then started repeating that to myself over and over again as I tightened the fabric over her cut wound. I think the bleeding was getting worse. "No God, please don't take her. SOMEBODY. " I pleaded. I never believed in god. If God was real, why would he take away my mother? Why would he be taking Veronica away? God has taken everyone I love away as part of his sick plan but right now I need him more than ever. I needed Veronica more than ever.

"Sir. Please stand back. " A unfamiliar male voice said. Oh great paramedics, finally about time. "I don't know if I stopped the bleeding or not. It got pretty bad at one stage." I nervously told them as I backed away from Veronica. Cops, paramedics, firefighters it didn't matter, if they wore a uniform they hated them with a passion and didn't want to speak to them in any way but I know I needed to get over myself and for once it didn't revolve around me. I watched them put her petite body on the gurney and hook her up to some drips. I didn't want to be away from her for one second, not even for half a second. "Please be okay." I cried as I watched them wheel her away. Martha put her hand on my shoulder and I could tell she was crying too. We couldn't lose Veronica. She didn't deserve to die.

Around an hour later after we were done being questioned by police and paramedics Martha and I went down to the hospital. Apparently Veronica was still in surgery. Poor thing, she didn't deserve this, any of this. I should have never answered the stupid lunch time poll, I should have never offered her a slushie, never should have had sex with her, should have done my homework instead of making out with her in study hall. But most of all I should have never brought her into the killings. I should have killed Heather, Ram and Kurt on my own or be a decent person and not killed them at all. "She's gonna be okay." Martha told me. Lies. I then heard footsteps coming down the hallways thinking it was a doctor with either the greatest news or the worst. "JD I'm so sorry." Heather McNamara cried as she gave me a hug of support. I hugged her tightly back and tried not to cry. She needed to be okay. She had to be. But she wouldn't. Even if she did live she would be damaged forever, I think this might be it for us. I should probably leave her for good, let her get some closure in her life. "Thanks Heather, there's been no update but you're welcome to wait with us." I told her as I let go of her. She gave me a soft smile and then sat down in the world's most uncomfortable waiting room chairs . "I brought snacks." She laughed lightly as she opened up her bag which was filled with crackers and some candy. "What the fuck are snacks going to?" I asked her as I watched the cheerleader open up a bag. I think there must be something wrong with her, if I heard my best friend was in hospital I wouldn't be stopping at a 7/11 first. "Sugar levels, energy, boredom, hunger even. You don't know how long we'll be here." She explained. I gave her a shrug and left it at that.

Veronica's parents arrived shortly after us and were emotional wrecks, the next hour was filled with light conversation and laughter. . It took our minds off of the horrible situation of what was happening. "Are you guys here for Miss Sawyer?" The doctor asked. We then stopped what we were doing and looked at him with desperate faces. Please "You guys got a fighter. She should have died but she stayed there. One of you is welcome to stay the night if you want" He told us. I then started crying tears of relief. I don't think I've ever cried this much in public. I don't always agree with this mystic God's plan but I do agree with this decision. "I'll stay with her to make sure she's alright. It's been a big night, you should get some rest Mr and Mrs Sawyer." I told the group, her parents seemed thankful that I would volunteer to take care of her. I then got up out of my chair and followed the doctor to her room. She was so small and fragile in her hospital bed. I took the seat next to the bed and then held her hand. "I'm sorry Ronnie." I mumbled to her. I kept repeating that till I passed out. I was so grateful that she was alive.

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